Zendo 1A
Do it zen!
total amount raised in round
- Backed by over 120 investors
This campaign has been closed

ZENDO Calm + Focus is a Belgian natural, soothing drink that provides a feeling of tranquility and calm, for a clear mind at all times.
In developing this relaxing drink, we are creating a whole new segment in the beverage sector, building on an already growing trend in the United States; the relaxation drink segment. Indeed, the New York-based magazine Inc.com picked the relaxation drinks sector as one of the seven sectors in which to start a business in 2015!
Several beverage industry specialists also confirm that relaxation drinks meet the number one need of consumers in 2015: remaining calm in the face of the many challenges of daily life in a world that goes at 100 miles an hour! Some also predict that relaxation drinks will be the next big commercial success after the energy drinks of the 90s and 2000s.
The relaxing beverage segment has a high perceived value market that allows for significant margins.
Thanks to an initial round of funding we have created the product, submitted the trademark in Europe and developed our industrial contacts. We are now about to start production on a large scale.
The first contacts were made with national distributors and they are impatiently waiting to sell our product.
Our current team consists of a financial expert, a marketing expert, a specialist in social networks, a renowned graphic designer specialising in beverage packaging and an experienced bio-engineer.
Our goal is to become the reference brand in the relaxation drink segment in Belgium and in Europe!
Investors who trust us today we will join a first group of savvy investors and will actively participate in the transformation of a promising start-up into a company selling its products throughout Europe.
We all know that life is not a relaxing ride down a long river.
On the contrary, we spend our days stressing, giving our all and from time to time we end up feeling a little tense.
The problem is that we do not always have the time or the opportunity to play sports, meditate or even to enjoy the benefits of a cup of tea at home.
That's why we created the first relaxation drink in Europe!
A quick, convenient and healthy way to relax, to stay in control under any circumstance.

The ZENDO Calm + Focus combines the tradition of a relaxing infusion with the latest scientific findings in the field.
The result is a delicious natural beverage containing L-theanine, passionflower and magnesium, for reduced stress levels and a clear mind.
We have thus sought to exclude any ingredient that is not natural, that may be toxic in high doses or could cause any drowsiness.
L-theanine is an amino acid which was recently found to be extractable from the green tea leaf (Camellia sinensis).
Many recent studies show that L-theanine affects the neurotransmitters of the brain that regulate brain activity levels, inducing as such a calm, yet aware state.
It makes one calm and serene, without drowsiness. It's exactly the same feeling as when participating in a yoga class or reading a book.
Passionflower is a plant discovered in the 17th century by Spanish explorers in South America.
For over a century, it has been used in our country to fight against mild anxiety disorders.
Finally, magnesium, the active ingredient in chocolate, contributes to your physical and psychological well-being.
All ingredients in the ZENDO Calm + Focus are 100% natural.
There are no preservatives, no colourants, no artificial flavouring and ZENDO is sweetened naturally with beet sugar and honey for only 20kcal/100ml, three times less than regular soda.
Our drink is therefore the perfect alternative to stimulating beverages like coffee, which can end up making us more tense.
It will find its place in the office or simply alongside your lunch, and will delight anyone who is health conscious!
Our brand and our packaging were developed by our graphic designer, renowned for having designed the packaging for several flagship products from leading brands in the beverage industry. As artistic director, she will oversee all activities related to the deployment of the brand.
Our first flavour - Raspberry-Cherry - has been developed by our flavourist-quality specialist based on "best in class" practices in the health drinks category and has been tested on more than 100 people.
Marketing strategy
Our goal is to increase brand awareness throughout 2016 through an on- and off-line communication strategy.
Online, we rely on the expertise of our community manager, having previously proven their ability in a large multinational company, to offer the public rich and varied content, disrupting what the majority of health drink brands offer.
Indeed, more than just becoming a display window for our product, we want to make social networks a place to share fun, meaning and humour with our target audience of active people, conscious of their well-being.
A launch communications plan will also be implemented from March 2016 under the supervision of our artistic director in partnership with one of the most creative communication agencies in the country.
This launch plan will include the creation of short videos to share, marketing materials, the organisation of public relations events and actions, as well as the distribution of samples in our sales outlets, in business districts and in universities.
The distribution will be also supported by a custom incentive policy for wholesalers and retailers.
Online, we rely on the expertise of our community manager, having previously proven their ability in a large multinational company, to offer the public rich and varied content, disrupting what the majority of health drink brands offer.
Indeed, more than just becoming a display window for our product, we want to make social networks a place to share fun, meaning and humour with our target audience of active people, conscious of their well-being.
A launch communications plan will also be implemented from March 2016 under the supervision of our artistic director in partnership with one of the most creative communication agencies in the country.
This launch plan will include the creation of short videos to share, marketing materials, the organisation of public relations events and actions, as well as the distribution of samples in our sales outlets, in business districts and in universities.
The distribution will be also supported by a custom incentive policy for wholesalers and retailers.
Distribution strategy
We plan to start our sales and marketing efforts in a few hand-picked outlets in Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp in Q1 2016.
Our primary distribution network consists of trendy and healthy lunch spots offering a small on-site and takeaway catering service. Examples include Café de la Presse, Elvis Food Store or Jat Café, Very Deli or Beck 47.
The aim is to bring our brand to life and start to make it known through ambassadors.
From March 2016, we will start the distribution on a larger scale through wholesalers. The number of sales outlets will therefore increase significantly. This expansion will be supported by the marketing and communications strategy mentioned above.
We will build, in parallel, our own sales team tasked with growing the number of sales outlets and monitoring their merchandising compliance.
From 2017, we will benefit from the notoriety gained from the first consumers to increase sales volumes by expanding distribution to petrol stations, coffee houses (e.g.: Starbucks) and local grocery stores (Delhaize Shop&Go and Carrefour Express, etc.).
This volume increase will be supported by the reinvestment of 20% of turnover in marketing activity. RedBull, for example, also reinvests 20% of its turnover into its marketing.
Our primary distribution network consists of trendy and healthy lunch spots offering a small on-site and takeaway catering service. Examples include Café de la Presse, Elvis Food Store or Jat Café, Very Deli or Beck 47.
The aim is to bring our brand to life and start to make it known through ambassadors.
From March 2016, we will start the distribution on a larger scale through wholesalers. The number of sales outlets will therefore increase significantly. This expansion will be supported by the marketing and communications strategy mentioned above.
We will build, in parallel, our own sales team tasked with growing the number of sales outlets and monitoring their merchandising compliance.
From 2017, we will benefit from the notoriety gained from the first consumers to increase sales volumes by expanding distribution to petrol stations, coffee houses (e.g.: Starbucks) and local grocery stores (Delhaize Shop&Go and Carrefour Express, etc.).
This volume increase will be supported by the reinvestment of 20% of turnover in marketing activity. RedBull, for example, also reinvests 20% of its turnover into its marketing.
Internationalisation strategy
We expect a development in countries neighbouring Belgium (France, Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg) in the course of 2017.
To support this internationalisation we are currently working with suppliers of raw materials across Europe and have achieved the necessary investment, in partnership with our filler, to blow our own bottles on their lines and also to limit the production cost of these.
We are signing off agreements with national wholesalers in these countries and systematically send over an on-site team to understand the specific characteristics of these foreign markets and to develop a custom implementation strategy.
To support this internationalisation we are currently working with suppliers of raw materials across Europe and have achieved the necessary investment, in partnership with our filler, to blow our own bottles on their lines and also to limit the production cost of these.
We are signing off agreements with national wholesalers in these countries and systematically send over an on-site team to understand the specific characteristics of these foreign markets and to develop a custom implementation strategy.
Intellectual Property
ZENDO Calm + Focus is a submitted trademark in Europe.
Our company is the sole owner without limitation of time or geographical over the rights relating to the logo and packaging.
Finally, only we know the exact composition of our product. This formulation is the result of a year and a half of research and development in partnership with our bio-engineer, several certified laboratories and specialists in nutrition and dietetics.