AxonJay 1A

Unlocking The Potential of AI for Every Business in The World
€ 26.500
totaal opgehaald in ronde
  • Geniet van een belastingvermindering
Deze financieringsronde is beëindigd en onderhandelt nu met geselecteerde business angels
Contacteer ons als u deze ondernemer wenst te ontmoeten voor een privé gesprek.
AxonJay's apps/products for each vertical are brought to customers by small, agile and specialised go-to-market teams.

AxonJay's sales strategy for the AI-Custom assistant:
  • Bespoke application development in real time
  • Harness the power of our Self-Machine-Learning Platform™
  • Application of our Data-Peeling™ technique
  • Application of our unique feedback mechanism to counter data drift & model drift
  • 150+ signals to choose from
  • Pricing strategy: project based, but economical thanks to our Self-Machine-Learning Platform™
  • The cure for data drift & model drift

AxonJay's sales strategy for the AI-HR assistant:
  • Pilot Belgian Recruitment & Placement companies
  • Use of Call Center to book meetings and presentation
  • Target: 20 Customers (Early Adopters) (done)
  • Social Media campaign + SEO to generate leads
  • Next step roll out in 2 new countries: UK and France
  • Continue using Call Center for additional lead generation
  • Hiring 1-3 new Sales
  • Sales target: 50-100 new Customers/country
  • Pricing strategy 2023: EUR 199/month/user (Early Adopters)
  • Pricing strategy 2024: EUR 499/month/user

AxonJay's sales strategy for the AI-Private Fund assistant:
  • AxonJay detects 20% more Private Funds than the competition, globally & in real time
  • Real time update of data
  • Expect to be an attractive number 3 in the market
  • Price strategy: attractive price during the first 6 months
  • Test and evaluate of our solution at 4% of the family investment market in Benelux
  • Target 20 customers for Early Adopters
  • Pricing strategy 2023: EUR 199/month/user (Early Adopters)
  • Pricing strategy 2024: EUR 499/month/user

AxonJay's sales strategy for the AI-Sustainability assistant:
  • Pilot with Belgian Circular Economy companies
  • AxonJay detects which companies are going to lay-off people
  • They increase the number of leads for retrieving IT assets with 150%

AxonJay's valuation timeline.