The Spreds Blog

Spreds | Net Asset Value and Internal Rate of Return

— Other — 1 minute read

[graph-spread.jpg] Interested in finding out the Net Asset Value (NAV) of our portfolio and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) an investor would benefit from if he/she would have invested in every single campaign? Discover our calculations below... read more

Spreds' selection process

— Other — 2 minutes read

[black-spread.jpg] One of Spreds' greatest strengths is its selection criteria. Discover below the three layers of our selection process and why they make our platform so unique. 1. The Algorithm To be able to raise funds on our platform, each company has to fill out an application on our website to see whether or not they are potentially eligible for a campaign... read more

Funded Family Forum: The challenges of a growing business

— Startup successes | Other — 5 minutes read

A few weeks ago, we decided to launch the first edition of our Funded Family Forum. The concept behind the event? Bringing together experts and entrepreneurs who have successfully completed a campaign on our website and giving them keys to develop their business and raise funds... read more

A slower economy is an opportunity, not a challenge

— Investment tips | Other — 2 minutes read

[office-spread.jpg] Over the last ten years the economy in Europe has fluctuated, with varying unemployment, low interest rates and changing growth figures. So, does crowdfunding work in times of economic stagnation or regression? That’s a question we believe we can answer: yes!  In fact, crowdfunding is imperative to support businesses in times where loans are less available... read more

The GDPR law will be enforced on May 25th and Spreds is getting ready for it!

— Other — 2 minutes read

For quite some time now, businesses are getting ready for a new law called GDPR, which will be enforced on May 25th 2018. The digital world has evolved a lot in 23 years: in 1995, only 1% of Europeans were using the internet and social media didn't even exist yet. But, one thing hasn't evolved since then; the European Union's directive on data protection... read more

MyMicroInvest meets the 2017 Web Summit

— Other — 2 minutes read

[websummit.png] Two weeks ago, I got to be the lucky guy flying to Lisbon to attend the Web Summit, the biggest technology conference in the world. Uber, Instagram, Netflix… most of these renown companies past through the Web Summit at some point in time... read more

Inventures II: not your typical Impact Venture Capital fund

— Other — 3 minutes read

As a new investment opportunity in the TONIIC network, Inventures II has officially confirmed its ability to generate a measurable positive impact on the world and is getting noticed for its unique Impact Investing model... read more

The 5 biggest mistakes an entrepreneur can make

— Other — 2 minutes read

1. Believing in instant success The first mistake entrepreneurs can make is expecting their business to be a quick overnight success. Unfortunately for them, this rarely happens. Ironically enough, this belief is also a big reason for many early company failures... read more

Behind the scenes - an interview with our Head of legal

— Other — 3 minutes read

[sarah-kawa.png] Here’s another edition of our blog series “Behind the scenes of MyMicroInvest”, which is an interview with our staff to showcase the people working to support our platform. Our first entry featured our Senior Investment Analyst. Today, we bring you an interview with one of our legal minds, Sarah Kawa, who has been with us since our early stages... read more