For some time now, our society has been starting to become more aware of the existence of societal and environmental issues and of the importance to solve them or at least, to improve them; whether it is climate change, world hunger, poverty, poor education in some parts of the world or gender inequalities, a lot of situations are alarming and require our immediate attention and support.
In this context, a lot of people try to improve the world around them by changing some small things in their everyday lives, by giving to charity, signing petitions, volunteering in an association, etc, we can see that the possibilities to improve the world are numerous.
One of these possibilities, which we don't often think about, is impact investing. This concept appeared in 2007 and generally describes the act of investing in an organisation, start-up, company which, not only generates social and/or environmental benefits, but also a financial return on the investment.
The objective is to finance companies and start-ups, that through the creation of a service, product, tool or platform, have a positive impact on society. Today, these companies/start-ups are numerous and very diversified. This situation is something that challenges the long-held idea that it is the job of associations and non-lucrative organisations to take care of social and environmental issues, while the financing sector should focus mainly on making profit.
This type of investing is mostly done through venture capital funds that invest in a series of companies or start-ups that answer to a precise series of social and/or environmental criteria.
If before investing in a fund and accessing those kinds of opportunities was reserved for Business Angels or big investors, today it has been democratised. A good example is our Impact VC Tracer, that allows you to invest, alongside impact venture capital funds, in 10 start-ups that contribute to the durable growth of our society.
A Tracer is a service we created to help you diversify your investments and lower your risk. Indeed, this Tracer allows you to share automatically and fairly your investment between a predefined number of companies. Once you have subscribed to a Tracer, we will offer you 10 start-ups to invest in. And thanks to our opt-out option, you maintain a complete control over your investments.
When you invest through the Impact VC Tracer, you get the chance to invest in the next 10 start-ups selected by the investment funds - Inventures I & II. These funds, which haven't stopped growing since their creation, were put into place to support impactful European businesses in their launching phase.
While a first fund, Inventures I, raised 15 million euros to finance the growth of 15 companies, a second fund, Inventures II, launched in December 2016, has gathered up until today 26 million euros to finance impactful companies. Inventures II has already selected 4 projects.
By investing in the Impact VC Tracer, you have a lot of advantages:
- a priority access to invest in impactful companies;
- an investment alongside a venture capital fund through a €1000 ticket per start-up;
- the diversification of your assets while minimising your risks;
- a total control over your investment thanks to an opt out option.
Please read this before investing through Spreds
Investing carries serious risks, including partial or total loss of capital. Please invest responsibly.
Spreds runs a crowdfunding platform that enables the public to finance innovative companies by participating in their capitalization. The proposed investment, for a minimum amount of 100 EUR, comes in the form of Notes issued under Belgian law, which represent a claim against the issuer, Spreds Finance, a public limited company under Belgian law headquartered at 5 Place Sainte Gudule, 1000 Brussels (n° 0538.839.354, R.P.M. Nivelles).
Spreds runs a crowdfunding platform that enables the public to finance innovative companies by participating in their capitalization. The proposed investment, for a minimum amount of 100 EUR, comes in the form of Notes issued under Belgian law, which represent a claim against the issuer, Spreds Finance, a public limited company under Belgian law headquartered at 5 Place Sainte Gudule, 1000 Brussels (n° 0538.839.354, R.P.M. Nivelles).
The total amount brought in at the end of the offer shall be used by Spreds Finance to subscribe to a capital increase or loan grant in the company/companies listed and promoted above. They are denominated in Euros. They do not offer any guarantee of yield or of reimbursement of capital. The Notes have an unlimited duration and the return on investment depends entirely on the performance of the investment made via the proceeds of the Notes issued by Spreds Finance.
The nominal value of the Notes corresponds to the sum of the subscription and does not include the costs of the issue nor the payment of expenses described below. Spreds Finance charges an additional subscription fee amounting to 5% of the nominal amount only for equity operations, excluding loan operations. The expenses linked to the payment of the subscription amount are borne by the investors. Transaction fees are 1.85% for credit card payment and 2% for manual bank transfers. If the transaction is made immediately on www.spreds.com, there is no fee.
The Noteholders bear the Expenses Relating to the Underlying Assets. The investors should be taxed on the income paid by Spreds Finance as if such income were paid directly to them (dividends and interests are subject, as a general rule and for private individuals who are Belgian residents, to a withholding tax of 30%, pursuant to article 269 of the Income Tax Code, or to capital gains tax).
We strongly advise you to read the Terms of Investment carefully before purchasing Notes, and in particular, to consider the risk factors that are described therein. We draw the attention of the potential investor to the fact that there is a risk that the goals of the company/companies will not be reached, which might lead to a substantial reduction in the expected revenue and thus incur a risk of insolvency or at least of low yield, and even zero or negative yield.
Any complaint relating to an investment in the Notes can be addressed to the headquarters of the issuer indicated above or to the Service de Médiation pour le Consommateur, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 - 1000 Brussels, tel.: +32(0)2.702.52.20, fax: +32(0)2.808.71.29, email: contact@mediationconsommateur.be