What is a pre-contractual reflexion period and how do I exercise it?
Prospective non-sophisticated investors benefit from a reflection period during which they can, at any time, revoke their offer to invest or expression of interest in the crowdfunding offer without giving a reason and without incurring a penalty. The reflection period starts at the moment the prospective non-sophisticated investor makes an offer to invest or signals its expression of interest and expires after four calendar days therefrom.
It can be exercised by sending an email, indicating for which offer the right to revoke is exercised, the date on which the offer to invest or expression of interest was made, the amount and the name of the investor. Such emails will result in a cancellation of the offer to invest or expression of interest and a reimbursement of the nominal amount of the subscribed instrument and of the subscription fee, if any (jointly referred to as the “Subscription Amount”).