Charles-Albert de Radzitzky
CEO & Founder
Regional-IT, 21/04/2017
Il y a beaucoup de marketing autour de l’alternative, de l’innovation disruptive, de la créativité, de la productivité nouvelle qu’engendreraien...
L'Echo, 06/04/2017
Le nouveau régime fiscal favorable (tax shelter) aux investissements des particuliers dans le crowdfunding est en vigueur de puis le 1er février. L...
Bruxelles Métropole, 01/04/2017
Le plan tax shelter pour start-up du gouvernement fédéral tient-il du panache ou du véritable levier incitatif ? Tentative d'éclaircissement.
Brussel Metropool, 01/04/2017
Is het Tax Shelter plan voor start ups vooral een zwierig initiatief van de federale regering of werkelijk een stimulans en een hefboom? Dit prober...
KMO insider, 20/03/2017
Vanaf 1 februari 2017 zal het voor investeerders fiscaal aantrekkelijker worden om via crowdfunding te investeren in veelbelovende bedrijven. Dit n...
Digital 20/20 Accenture Strategy, 15/03/2017
All the new business models we see emerging integrate technology to some extent, with at their extreme, pure players such as MyMicroInvest, Airbnb,...
Are you wishing to communicate about Spreds and wish to find out more about us? Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Charles-Albert de Radzitzky
CEO & Founder
Spreds is an investment platform offering everyone, regardless of the size of their assets, an easy way to invest in businesses that improve their surrounding world. Spreds strives to help them mitigate their investment risks through transparency, education and diversification. Spreds loves entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial ecosystem and allows inspiring businesses to raise funds in a convenient, flexible and cost-efficient way and in a safe environment.
Spreds offers alternative products to banks and wealth managers, to stock exchange products and funds which are often seen as disconnected from the entrepreneurial economy. Spreds is established in the heart of Brussels with a dynamic and passionate team and is the Belgian leader and one of the European leading investment platforms for start-ups and scale-ups.