Charles-Albert de Radzitzky
CEO & Founder
De Tijd, 22/02/2013
Honderden miljarden op spaarrekeningen en kmo’s met investeringsproblemen, de paradox is alom bekend. Er leek nog geen probaat middel om middelen v...
Solutions Magazine, 22/02/2013
Mymicroinvest et Epargne Ciblée KBC. Le premier remporte le Prix du jury, le second le Prix du public. Un point commun pourtant: les gagnants de la...
IT Nation, 22/02/2013
Mymicroinvest et Épargne Ciblée KBC remportent respectivement le Prix du jury et le Prix du public au Accenture Innovation Awards for Financial Ser...
L'Echo, 09/02/2013
Le paradoxe est connu : des centaines de mil liards sont parqués sur les comptes d’épargne, alors que les PME éprouvent les pires difficultés à fin...
L'Echo, 10/01/2013
La plateforme de crowdfunding se mue en société anonyme et accroît ses moyens. Objectifs : l'automatisation et l'international.
Metro, 14/12/2012
La crise financière a rendu les banques frileuses. Le crowdfunding, ou financement participatif, pourrait en profiter pour s'implanter en Belgique.
Are you wishing to communicate about Spreds and wish to find out more about us? Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Charles-Albert de Radzitzky
CEO & Founder
Spreds is an investment platform offering everyone, regardless of the size of their assets, an easy way to invest in businesses that improve their surrounding world. Spreds strives to help them mitigate their investment risks through transparency, education and diversification. Spreds loves entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial ecosystem and allows inspiring businesses to raise funds in a convenient, flexible and cost-efficient way and in a safe environment.
Spreds offers alternative products to banks and wealth managers, to stock exchange products and funds which are often seen as disconnected from the entrepreneurial economy. Spreds is established in the heart of Brussels with a dynamic and passionate team and is the Belgian leader and one of the European leading investment platforms for start-ups and scale-ups.