
Making headlines

Résultats année record

L'Echo, 16/01/2019

L'an dernier, la plateforme de financement participatif Spreds...

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Communiqué de presse - Spreds

Spreds, 16/01/2019

2018 a permis à la plateforme d’investissement Spreds de maintenir son statut de figure centrale et facilitateur dans l’écosystème entrepreneuri...

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FSMA, 16/01/2019

Investments in projects via crowdfunding have seen steady growth in Belgium, and it is expected that this trend will continue apace. This is the co...

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Persbericht - Spreds

Spreds, 16/01/2019

2018 stelde het investeringsplatform Spreds in staat hun rol als centrale figuur en facilitator in het Belgische ondernemersecosysteem te behouden ...

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Croissance constante du crowdfunding en Belgique

1819brussels, 07/01/2019

Selon une étude de l’Autorité des services et marchés financiers (FSMA), le financement de projets par crowdfunding est en progression constante en...

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Engie Electrabel propose aux particuliers d’investir dans ses projets éoliens

Sudinfo, 11/10/2018

Engie Electrabel propose désormais aux particuliers d’investir dans ses projets éoliens par le biais d’un prêt participatif (crowdlending), a annon...

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About Spreds

Spreds is an investment platform offering everyone, regardless of the size of their assets, an easy way to invest in businesses that improve their surrounding world. Spreds strives to help them mitigate their investment risks through transparency, education and diversification. Spreds loves entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial ecosystem and allows inspiring businesses to raise funds in a convenient, flexible and cost-efficient way and in a safe environment.

Spreds offers alternative products to banks and wealth managers, to stock exchange products and funds which are often seen as disconnected from the entrepreneurial economy. Spreds is established in the heart of Brussels with a dynamic and passionate team and is the Belgian leader and one of the European leading investment platforms for start-ups and scale-ups.