2houses 1A

We help divorced parents to communicate and organize for the well-being of their children
€ 689.784
totaal opgehaald in ronde
  • Gesteund door meer dan 140 investeerders
Deze financieringsronde werd afgesloten


What's 2houses?
2houses is a web platform and mobile app that help separated parents communicate and become better organized for what is the most important thing in their lives: their children.
What does 2houses propose to their users?
Organize custody scheduling, keep track of shared expenses and share school and medical information are some of the set of tools 2houses is offering. The platform aims to prioritize written and pre-formatted communication better than arguments over the phone.
What are the results of 2houses since its launch?
Since the launch of a beta version end of 2011, 2houses services evolved a lot: on top of the co-parenting tools (web and mobile) that are used by more than 25.000 families, serving more than 30.000 children in 100 countries; the portal also offers proprietary content and resources for separated and divorced parents and a directory of professionals (mediators, lawyers, coaches, etc) who are happy to answer members' specific questions.
Total number of families using the service:
Nr of families


What problem 2houses answers ?
Communication between divorced/separated parents is sometimes difficult and generator of conflicts. Whether we like it or not, separated parents still have to communicate on the matters of their children.
In high conflict families or even with good speaking terms parents, phone and direct conversations often generate useless arguments. Having a web interface that reduce the emotional element can minimize conflicts and make the children happier.
See what our users are saying:
Testimony of Rudi Laurent
Testimony of Sandrina Presciutti


Hoe wordt 2houses aan zijn doelgroep gecommuniceerd?
Om onze inkomsten te maximaliseren, gebruiken we verschillende kanalen die gebruikers op onze webpagina aantrekken en onze mobiele applicatie downloaden
  • SEO : in aanvulling op de SEO optimalisatie standaarden op het internet, produceren we onze eigen inhoud voor gescheiden ouders, wat gekwalificeerd internetverkeer genereert. Deze artikels zijn leesbaar op onze blog
  • SEA : Om nieuwe gebruikers te verwerven, gebruiken we verschillende kanalen. Ons budget dient vooral voor Google en Facebook campagnes. We meten en monitoren de resultaten voortdurend en we passen onze campagne op continue wijze aan opdat we de KPA optimaliseren (Kost Per Acquisitie).
  • Sociale Media : 2houses is actief of Facebook en Twitter om leden en professionelen te verwerven.
  • Merkbekendheid via online en offline campagnes
  • Tussenpersonen (familie, bemiddelaars, advocaten, etc.) die onze co-ouderschap handleiding gebruiken om hun klanten / patiënten te informeren en de diensten van 2houses voor te stellen. Vandaag hebben we een netwerk van 600 tussenpersonen in België en 200 in Frankrijk