Screening Media 1A

The video sales accelerator for Belgian midsize retailers
€ 141.550
totaal opgehaald in ronde
Deze financieringsronde werd afgesloten
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Jabir B

Dear Eric,
I'll be happy to join but there are some informations missing to allow clear screening of the opportunity.
What is the Annual Turn Over of the company?
What is the company Backlog?
How many people are on ScreeMedia Payroll?
What is the targeted growth for the next 2 or 3 years?

Looking to hear from you.
I remain.

Eric D Ondernemer


you can call me if you wish but i already give you key numbers
TO: 800k
Backlog? if you mean forecasted revenue? more than 2M over 5Y
Payroll 6 + 3 indeps
Growth target 25% PY


Eric D Ondernemer

Hello bonjour goiedag
We will be happy to answer any question you might have. Feel free to post them here or call me directly if you prefer.
Eric Ducarme