Een natuurlijke, warme energiedrank
€ 226.600
totaal opgehaald in ronde
  • Gesteund door meer dan 110 investeerders
  • Geniet van een belastingvermindering
Deze financieringsronde werd afgesloten

Amaury Timmermans


Huidige job: Account Executive bij P&G
- Onderwijs: Handelsingenieur bij Solvay ULB
- Rol in het team: entrepreneurial driver/dromer
- Fanatic Hockeyplayer


"Amaury is passionate about Hockey, Flying and QIQO.
His favorite food is a Belgian stew, best trip so far was in Mexico.
Big dreamer. Terrible dancer."

Kris De Corte


- Current role: Brand manager at Unilever
- Education: Business engineering at Solvay ULB
- Role within team: marketing genius
- Loves cooking & football & South-East-Asia


"Kris loves cooking, travels and making fun of Amaury.
His favorite dish is an Asian wok, prepared by himself. Big fan of South-East Asia.
Great cook. Lousy humour (as decided by Amaury)."

Maxime Bossuyt


Current role: Key Account Manager
- Education: Business engineering at Solvay ULB
- Role within team: finance whizzkid
- Loves travel & sports

"Max loves long summer nights, BBQ's and singing.
Would commit murder for a juicy steak with "pommes duchesse". Loves Costa Rica.
Great dancer. Unfortunately, terrible singer (see line 1)."