James Lind Vitamintea 1A
Een heerlijke drank op basis van thee, sap en vitaminen. Deze vernieuwende samenstelling heeft een kersverse categorie dranken op de markt gebracht, namelijk Vitaminteas genaamd.
€ 68.960
totaal opgehaald in ronde
- Gesteund door meer dan 150 investeerders
Deze financieringsronde werd afgesloten

Today, supermarket shelf and restaurant menus are filled with artificial refreshment beverages which are usually too sweet and strongly carbonised.
James Lind Vitamintea is a range of great tasting, all natural blend of fresh teas, juices and an extra kick of healthy vitamins. James Lind comes in four delicious flavours and its light sweetness is mostly derived from apple juice concentrate. We believe that with James Lind VItamintea, we are offering a great refreshment beverage for young and old and a real alternative to those aiming for a healthy lifestyle.
The sales agreement for the German market focuses on a distribution towards the top hotels, restaurants, coffee lounges and caterings. We are only going to target the “hype” and “in” places. This will be generating the interest from many larger retail chains over time.
We started with four flavours and will focus on these for the coming 12-24 months. We could extend into other flavours without problems quickly.
We started with four flavours and will focus on these for the coming 12-24 months. We could extend into other flavours without problems quickly.
Basically our sales agency does two things, they trigger orders within the above mentioned customers and, at the same time, they list James Lind with the major German wholesales. The wholesalers are actually our direct customers.