Tropos-AR 1A

The AR SDK that does everything
total amount raised in round
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed

Sven Van de Perre


Creative & Business ARchitect:
Sven has been a digital native all his life. At age 15, he started selling DOS PCs with ASCI enhanced, mouse controlled interfaces from his garage in the pre-Windows 3.1 eras. Around the turn of the century, he became one of the driving forces behind the rise of the Belgian game industry and is now pushing the envelope on advancement in the field of Augmented Reality. Sven masterminded international XR solutions for multinationals like MAERSK and ENGIE, and helped companies like AR Med-Tech venture Augmented Anatomy get their tech-stack in order. Sven is the atypical tech head. Super communicative, end-user focussed, current-day stoic and master in delayed gratification.

David Levins


Project & Business ARchitect:
David is a Sales and Marketing Leader with more than two decades of experience driving business growth and managing teams. Proven track record as a Sales and Marketing Manager, consistently exceeding targets and delivering revenue growth. Expertise in developing and executing strategic marketing plans to expand market presence and drive customer acquisition. Exceptional relationship-building abilities, fostering partnerships with key stakeholders and clients. In the last 10 years, he transitioned to the role of Country Manager, overseeing several countries in operations, sales, and marketing strategies.

Ivan Ivanovski


Technical ARchitect:
Apart from being an amazing senior Unity developer, Ivan has been active in coaching and guiding other development teams. Ivan strives for optimal development, always having a clear view of what should be done next, and what is the ideal path towards the end goal. Just as many others in the team, Ivan’s a freak when it comes to details. Not only is that one small user experience error important to him, it is the only thing he thinks about until it gets fixed.

Sebastien Theunissen


Funding & Business Development ARchitect.
Sebastien is a senior sales and finance expert, who's been involved in Tropos AR since the company got founded. In the past, Sebastien helped set up funding initiatives for the company and will gradually move to a more active role as business developer in 2024

Raphael Glassberg


Finance ARchitect:
Raphael has a background in finance and business development. He's been CFO of a company with a +250m yearly turnover, and now runs a consulting business focusing on team performance and happiness. As Tropos AR moves from start-up to scale-up, Raphael will guide finances and business structure to fit the company's goals.

Sven Franken


External Business Developer:
Together with Sven Van de Perre, Sven Franken was the original creator and founder of Tropos AR. Sven is a serial entrepreneur, who built and exited several ICT companies. Among them, companies with over 1000 FTE's at exit. Sven Franken, who within the team is considered the 'father' of Tropos AR, is in the process of building several new Spatial Computing companies who will use the Tropos AR SDK as base technology.

Boye Hartmann


International funding support:
Boye is a veteran fundraising expert and serial entrepreneur with a worldwide network within the world of technology. Boye is helping Tropos AR to expand internationally and prepare for a series A round.

Gregory 't Kint


Marketing ARchitect:
Gregory is a senior marketing and SAE expert, who's been at Tropos AR since the start. He is the man behind Tropos AR's impressive reach on social media. In 2024, as platforms using the Tropos AR SDK roll out, Gregory will combine social media marketing and SAE to generate leads and boost market adoption.

Miljan Jelic


Lead Graphics ARchitect:
Miljan is what they call a 3D generalist, who specialises in Augmented Reality. He is the conductor of all things graphics within Tropos AR.

Mauro Serra


Spatial Audio Designer:
Mauro is a producer with an SAE Institute education, who specialises in Unity based Spatial Audio. If things sound amazing in AR, that is Mauro's magic.

Ilija Mihajlov


Unity Programmer
Ilija, who has been with Tropos AR for almost two years, is an all-round developer, who built part of Tropos AR's SDK, as well as many of the leading AR experiences.

Amir Raveh


Sports tech advisor.
Amir Raveh is CEO of Hype Sports Innovation, the world's largest sports-tech accelerator. Hype Sports has an option on 8% of Tropos AR shares and his accelerator is a driving force in getting Tropos AR in front of leading brands in the world of sports.