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YNIOS Pharma 3A

total amount raised in round
6 days
  • Eligible for a tax reduction


Situation and Use of Funds

The participatory fundraising will enable YNIOS PHARMA to undertake its two final preclinical studies in the areas of Sepsis (septic shock) and kidney transplantation. Licensing agreements with pharmaceutical companies are anticipated following the preclinical studies.

The company maintains annual accounting, closing on December 31st.

After 2 years of existence, the company is still focused on the development of its drugs and does not generate revenue, except for some marginal income based on R&D knowledge sharing.

The annual accounts show a loss of approximately €204K in 2023, compared to ~€135K in 2022, amounting to a total loss of ~€339K since the company's inception.

In 2023, expenses amounted to ~€142K, compared to €134K in 2022. These amounts cover executive salaries, subcontractors, and intellectual property rights.

In 2024 and 2025, the preclinical programs will be partially subsidized by the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region for expenses incurred by ERASME-ISICEM in the Septic Shock program.

The kidney transplantation program will also benefit from financial support from the Walloon Region.

These regional financial aids do not cover the entirety of the research budgets, and private investments are still necessary to finance the remainder.

An estimated amount of ~€830K is needed to cover all the company’s operational needs over 2 years.


It should be noted that the company does not undertake expenses without having pre-financed them, which allows it to have no debt to suppliers or tax authorities.

Since its inception, the company has carried out 3 capital increases, raising approximately €615,300 from private investors, including €115,300 from SPREDS investors.

The current distribution of shares (5,895,300 shares at €1 each) is as follows:

  • Co-founder 1: 44.86%
  • Co-founder 2: 44.86%
  • Private investors: 8.35%
  • SPREDS investors: 1.92%

The funds raised by the current SPREDS campaign will be added to the €210,300 in private funds raised in March 2024, and the regional subsidies yet to be received, estimated at €492,000.

The funds raised by the SPREDS campaign will be allocated to the company's fixed costs (50%), with the remainder dedicated to research program expenses.


All shareholders of YNIOS PHARMA have the same rights. It is anticipated that the results of the studies starting in 2024 will allow for the generation of licensing revenues with pharmaceutical companies in the following years. These revenues are currently impossible to quantify, but if industry standards are met, they could amount to a lump-sum payment of several tens of millions of euros, followed by royalties over the patent duration covering the drug(s).

When the company has revenues and profits, it will distribute dividends. Additionally, it will offer shareholders a periodic buyback of their shares, based on an annual valuation of the shares conducted by an independent body.


Investments in this company benefit from a 45% personal income tax reduction. Read more…
A remaining amount of €25,400 is available for the Tax Shelter benefit.

Fact sheet

Advised by a professional start-up advisor
Valuation is set by the co-investor or incubator
Co-investor or incubator will be members or observers to the board
At the closing, an incubator, accelerator, or studio will have shares
At the closing, the entrepreneurs have contributed a minimum of €15,000 in cash in exchange for shares
Raised €10,000 during a private phase
At the closing, a professional co-investor will have invested at least €25,000
Prior fundraising in equity or convertible loan with 10 or more investors
Seasoned entrepreneurs
Minimum 2 active entrepreneurs
Valuation set by an organisation specialized in valuations of comparable size
Valuation is less than €1 million or 10x last year’s turnover

Raise summary

Crowd investments €56,000
Committed by others €0
Amount raised €56,000
Minimum round €25,000
Maximum round €300,000
Shares in the company (total round) 4.773%
Pre-money valuation €5,985,300
Post-money valuation min. €6,010,300
Post-money valuation max. €6,285,300