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Bar.on 1A

total amount raised in round
  • Eligible for a tax reduction

Revenue Forecast

Based on the deployment of 10 OneTap Pro machines in 2025 and expanding to 65 machines in 2026, we project the expected revenue from machine leases and cartridge sales to be close to €2 million. This forecast is based on a monthly leasing fee of €1,500 per machine and an additional revenue of €1.50 per drink sold. Both figures align with a realistic business potential, ensuring sustainable and profitable growth. 

Looking ahead, once 100 units are installed, the total quarterly revenue is projected to be €1.125 million. This projection underscores the significant growth potential of Bar.on's business model. With 100 units, the combined revenue from leasing and drink sales will demonstrate substantial financial performance, providing an attractive return on investment. 

The scalability of the OneTap Pro, coupled with our innovative technology and the growing demand for premium, customizable beverages, positions Bar.on for rapid expansion and long-term profitability. This robust revenue model highlights the compelling opportunity for potential investors to participate in the dynamic and lucrative functional beverage market. 

For the initial batch of 10 OneTap Pro prototypes, we anticipate no profit margin due to the high initial Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). The COGS for these prototypes is expected to be around €15,000 per unit, excluding an additional €3,000 for support services. However, as we scale up production, the COGS will decrease significantly. 

With larger-scale production, the COGS is projected to drop to €10,000 per unit initially and eventually to €8,000 per unit. These reductions will result in profit margins of approximately 28% and 39%, respectively. This demonstrates the financial viability and scalability of the OneTap Pro, reinforcing the strong growth potential for Bar.on as production efficiency improves. 

For the cartridges, with the current costs and a revenue of €1.50 per drink, Bar.on already achieves a profit margin of 13%. As production scales and costs decrease below €1.30 per drink and by charging slightly more for premium drinks (an additional €0.25 per drink), the profit margin can increase to 26%. 

Looking ahead, with 100 OneTap Pro machines operating in the market, the combined estimated profit margin for both machines and cartridges is projected to be 36%.

Bar.on Revenue Forecast

Investment Needs

To achieve Bar.on’s next objectives and ensure successful development and market penetration of the innovative OneTap Pro, Bar.on requires a comprehensive investment across several key areas. The total investment needed can be broken down into three main categories: OneTap Pro, Operations and Beverage Portfolio. The latter investment is also crucial as it enables Bar.on to expand its molecular recipes into the health and wellness domain, focusing on desired functionalities for that specific market. 

  • Beverage Portfolio
    • Recipe Development: €626,700
    • Process Upscaling R&D: €121,100
    • Lab Equipment & Consumables: €182,000
    • Business Development: €131,400
    • Marketing & PR: €39,375
    • Total: €1,100,575

  • OneTap Pro
    • Product Engineering & Design: €321,500
    • Prototype Development (10 units): €300,000
    • Product Iterations & Support: €100,000
    • Business Development: €192,600
    • Marketing & PR: €118,125
    • Total: €1,032,225

  • Operations
    • Lab Rental: €153,000
    • Management: €325,500
    • 3rd Party Services: €110,000
    • Finance, Legal & IP: €160,000
    • Telecom, Computers, Licenses: €47,500
    • Total: €796,000

The investment will enable Bar.on to: 

  • Develop a wide range of innovative, high-quality beverage recipes and scale up the processes. 
  • Engineer, design and develop the OneTap Pro, including producing prototypes and iterating based on market feedback. 
  • Ensure smooth operational management, including lab rental, management, essential third-party services and necessary financial, legal and IP support. 

This investment is crucial for Bar.on to revolutionize the beverage industry with sustainable, customizable and innovative drink solutions. 

Development Timeline

  • Months 1-6: Product Engineering and Design
    • Focus on engineering and design of OneTap Pro. 
    • Test all components separately to ensure parts meet required standards. 
    • Gradually integrate each component into the system, progressing towards a fully operational prototype. 
    • Continue to develop more non-alcoholic beverage recipes beyond beer, exploring various flavor and functionality combinations. 

  • Months 6-8: Prototype Development
    • Complete the assembly and testing of the first prototype machine. 
    • Prepare all beverage recipes for integration into the OneTap Pro machines. 
    • Produce additional units, aiming for a maximum of 10 prototypes. 

  • Months 8-12: Prototype Deployment and Feedback Collection
    • Install as many prototype units as possible in trendy bars across the globe. 
    • Begin installations in close-by locations, starting in Belgium where Bar.on’s labs are located. Expand installations throughout Europe and then to other regions including the US, Asia, and the Middle East. 
    • Conduct extensive tastings to refine and perfect each beverage recipe. 

  • As of Month 12: Iteration and Data Collection
    • Once the first units are operational in bars, collect feedback from bar owners, staff, and customers. 
    • Use this feedback to iterate on the engineering and design of the machines, improving functionality and user experience. 
    • Simultaneously, gather data and feedback on the drinks menu from the first consumers to refine and enhance beverage offerings. 

Company Valuation

Bar.on's pre-money valuation is substantiated by a combination of substantial past investments, tangible delivered results, robust intellectual property, and promising projected revenue. To date, Bar.on has attracted investments totaling 3 million euros, which have facilitated the development of a cutting-edge molecular beverage portfolio and the creation of prototypes for our innovative beer printers. Our intellectual property, comprising a patent application and carefully guarded trade secrets, further solidifies our market position. Additionally, our projected revenue, estimated at 1.125 million euros per quarter with 100 operational machines, underscores our growth potential and the scalability of our business model. 


Investments in this company benefit from a 45% personal income tax reduction. Read more…
A remaining amount of €435,500 is available for the Tax Shelter benefit.

Fact sheet

Advised by a professional start-up advisor
Valuation is set by the co-investor or incubator
Co-investor or incubator will be members or observers to the board
At the closing, an incubator, accelerator, or studio will have shares
At the closing, the entrepreneurs have contributed a minimum of €15,000 in cash in exchange for shares
Raised €10,000 during a private phase
At the closing, a professional co-investor will have invested at least €25,000
Prior fundraising in equity or convertible loan with 10 or more investors
Seasoned entrepreneurs
Minimum 2 active entrepreneurs
Valuation set by an organisation specialized in valuations of comparable size
Valuation is less than €1 million or 10x last year’s turnover

Raise summary

Crowd investments €66,000
Committed by others €2,651,270
Amount raised €2,717,270
Minimum round €25,000
Maximum round €6,000,000
Shares in the company (total round) 42.857%
Pre-money valuation €8,000,000
Post-money valuation min. €8,025,000
Post-money valuation max. €14,000,000