Blue Charter 1A

From dream to deck, we make it happen
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 50 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed
The BLUE CHARTER 1A compartment of Spreds Finance would participate in the financing of BLUE CHARTER BV/SRL planned between €1,970,000 and €4,630,000 (the "Capital Increase").
Of the total amount raised during the period of the offering, Spreds Finance will use an amount of €1 per Participatory Notes for these purposes, subject to the fulfilment of the conditions for such placement.

Cumulative conditions precedent

The minimum subscription amount per investor is €500, excluding subscription fees.
The minimum offering amount is €100,000.
 The Notes will only be issued if, within 6 months from the Closing Date, the following listed cumulative and conditions precedent to the subscription of shares of BLUE CHARTER by Spreds Finance (see below) are met:
 - The total amount of commitments to subscribe to this Capital Increase is at least €1,970,000 and not more than €4,630,000.
 - The Capital increase is based on a maximum pre-money valuation of €1,670,000.
 - The BLUE CHARTER 1A compartment of Spreds Finance participates in the Capital Increase in an amount equal to the result of the subscription of Notes of the BLUE CHARTER 1A compartment. This amount must be a minimum of €100,000.
Spreds Finance verifies that such conditions precedent are met no later than 6 months after the Closing Date ("Effective Date"), i.e. 29/07/2025. In the event that one or more of these conditions are not met by the Effective Date, the Notes will not be issued and the Subscription Amount paid by the Investors respectively will be refunded no later than 15 business days after the Effective Date.

Subscription period

The subscription period begins on 10/01/2025 and ends on the Closing Date, which is in principle 29/01/2025.
 It may be decided to extend the subscription period by 3 months, until 29/04/2025 at the latest, if the total amount of subscriptions on 29/01/2025 is at least €20,000.
The offering may be closed early once the minimum offering amount, of €100,000, has been reached. Early closure of the offer may also be decided if the total amount of orders contained in the subscription forms signed and transferred to Spreds reaches the maximum amount of the offer.
The Participatory Notes will be issued on the date of the capital increase, if the conditions for issuing these Participatory Notes are met. That is, at the latest on 29/07/2025 if the subscription period ends on 29/01/2025. This may be earlier (if the offering closes early) or later (if the subscription period is extended).

Tax Shelter (30%)

This investment opportunity is eligible for an income tax reduction for Belgian investors under the Belgian tax incentive system, the Start-Up Tax Shelter.
The maximum reduction of 30% of the total nominal amount invested in Participatory Notes is applicable because the underlying assets are the shares of a small enterprise.
This means that the total tax benefit will amount to a maximum of €0.30 per Participatory Note subscribed by the investor.
The budget available for Tax Shelter is €400,000. 


The Scorecard is a tool designed to help investors make more informed decisions when considering investments in start-up companies. It provides an overview of a company's current situation. Developed by Spreds, it offers an objective score based on a defined set of key factors, often identified by academic research as indicators of a start-up's potential for success. The documents provided by BLUE CHARTER (e.g. financial plan and SWOT analysis) were received by Spreds and made available to (potential) investors. The content of these documents was not analyzed by Spreds nor Spreds Finance.

Download Scorecard SPREDS for BLUE CHARTER.pdf 271 KB