2houses 2A

We help divorced parents to communicate and organize for the well-being of their children
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 120 investors
This campaign has been closed

Gill Ruidant


Gill is a born entrepreneur. His second start-up was taken over in 2003 by an international group where he previously had worked for 8 years. His international and managerial experience combined with his personal experience of divorced parents has helped him to create a successful business. Gill is 35 years old, has a son and lives in Namur (Belgium).

Alexandra Delmotte


Alexandra worked for more than 15 years in the IT distribution space. She managed business relationships with clients and suppliers, as well as the administration tasks that came with it. She went to the same school as Gill and is now working with him and they share the same experience. Alexandra comes from a big family, and like many other children her parents were separated. Alexandra is 36 years old and lives in Fleurus (Belgium)

Cédric Bousmanne


Cédric is a real passionate; when he is not in front of his computer screen, he likes to enjoy photography, Scotland and good whiskey. At the age of 15, he discovered web development and made it his profession. He joined the 2houses team in February 2012. Cédric is 26 years old and lives in Arlon (Belgium)

Benjamin Pirson


Benjamin is CEO at Noomia, a web agency company specialized in showcase and e-commerce sites. He likes sport, music and never says no to some good Liège meatballs. He joined 2houses in January 2013 as web and mobile designer. Benjamin is 28 years old, recently became a dad and lives in Vielsalm (Belgium

Gil Vandendrissche


Gil, partner at Dandy Coding, is passionate about developing web application and programming codes however he is also interested in music and a good beer from time to time. He joined the 2houses team as developer in April 2013. Gil is 26 years old and lives in Beaumont (Belgium).