Elysia 1A

Solution dedicated to quality control laboratories for the production of Radio Pharmaceuticals (equipment / SW / services).
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 100 investors
This campaign has been closed

Market positioning

Billing of a full integration including procurement, software solution and associated services. Price: € 200 k and 350 k € depending on the type of installation. Recurrence: a facility generates 20 k € of income per year for 5 to 10 years (maintenance contract, after-sales service, training).

Market trends

Actors such IBA, GE Healthcare and Siemens that offer complete solutions (infrastructure, equipment and QC) are priority customers because they have access to end customers, to specifications of the production equipment and to RP quality control. These end customers are academic or private hospitals as well as companies (mainly exporters to BRICS...).
By 2018, we plan to set up 6 to 10 centres per year.


Direct competitive solutions in terms of quality control are IBA Raytest, QC One and LabLogic. There are two other Japanese quality control systems, offered by the firms Sumitomo (automated and integrated system) and JFE Quantum Equipment (Japanese integrator), but these two solutions do not export well (not described in this report).