Hoplr 1A

Convertible loan
Het sociale netwerk voor je buurt. Gebruikt door meer dan 75.000 huishoudens
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 130 investors
This campaign has been closed


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Invest in your neighbourhood and become a Hoplr shareholder

Hoplr is a private social network for your neighbourhood. In this way, you are simply in touch with the people in your street or district. More than 75,000 households in 800 neighbourhoods throughout Belgium use Hoplr every day for:

  • sharing and lending goods
  • searching for a good plumber or babysitter
  • organising neighbourhood parties
  • launching initiatives
  • notices from local services
  • getting to know neighbours better
  • lost pets
  • and so much more...

How Hoplr works

Hoplr neighbourhoods are free, secure, private and free of advertising. Only you and your neighbours have access to the neighbourhood, on the basis of address verification and a neighbourhood code. In short, everything is about connecting people with their immediate environment.

What do you get from it?

As our community is of crucial importance, we don’t want you to miss this chance to invest in Hoplr. Of course, you don’t invest in Hoplr just like that! The maximum investment in this crowd-funding campaign (€100,000) will be converted into shares with a 20% discount.

  • You receive a discount of 20% compared with professional investors
  • On conversion, you will become an indirect shareholder via MyMicroInvest Finance
  • You will have a listing on our website
  • You will be invited to our annual meeting
  • And of course, we will also launch Hoplr in your neighbourhood!

For more information or questions, please see info@hoplr.com

What are we going to do?

Hoplr has now been officially launched in towns such as Ghent, Mechelen and Sint-Niklaas, as well as in municipalities such as Olen and Ranst. And has this been a success? Since the first launch in May, neighbours have sent more than 17,000 messages and posted 65,000 reactions.
In 2018, we will continue this success by launching Hoplr in still more Flemish towns and municipalities.

What do your neighbours think of Hoplr?

So far, I think it’s a gain for the neighbourhood and there have already been some communications with people who I wouldn’t have known how to find otherwise. So I’m very happy with it.
— Corrie

Everything is going fine. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the level of participation and activity on Hoplr. I also have the impression that there were other local residents who wanted the same concept and I do think that that need is certainly being met. I’m already a fan! Thanks for taking the trouble and lots of luck with the further development!
— Emma

Read more testimonials at hoplr.com/testimonials

Our vision

Hoplr was started in 2013 on the basis of a social vision and conviction. In contrast to the online globalisation which had already been manifesting itself for years at the time, we strongly believed in a local, but digital narrative. Everything is about connecting people with their immediate environment. This is a vision that we are realising step by step, in order to keep it digestible. Ultimately, we want to close the gap between citizens, local government and local businesses. The latter group constitute a challenge, as we want to keep Hoplr free of advertising.


Studies show that in the digital age, we barely still know the people in our own neighbourhoods. 48% even say they rarely, if ever, talk to their neighbours.

It is not always easy to contact your neighbours quickly. Furthermore, you often do not know all your neighbours. And where do you find the time these days to go over for coffee with everyone?

For example, 36% of the electorate say that they would not mind losing their right to vote, and that is a very high figure.
— DeRedactie

The digital gap with the local administration is also becoming more and more problematic. Citizens opt for digital communications, are hard to reach and have a very low level of participation.


On Facebook you talk to friends, on Instagram you look at photographs and on Hoplr, you get in touch with your neighbours.’
— Jennick Scheerlinck, Founder Hoplr

Everyone can make use of Hoplr, via a PC, a tablet or a smart phone. In that way, you always have the neighbourhood at your fingertips. And always at your own pace.

‘One way in which some urban administrations are trying to close the gap with citizens is via Hoplr, a social network site for districts and neighbourhoods.’
— DeRedactie

Hoplr in the press

Hoplr, the most social network. The app designed to help neighbours get in touch with each other again, including offline
— Nieuwsblad

DeRedactie.be - ‘Everyone a mayor: citizens want more and more co-determination’

Nieuwsblad.be - ‘Ranst municipal authority makes work of social media’

GVA.be - ‘Active neighbourhoods in Olen’

Nieuwsblad.be - ‘Hoplr seeks motivated local residents’

Marketing strategy

The Hoplr community is carried by enthusiastic ambassadors. Time and again, with the launch of a neighbourhood we see strong organic growth through online invitations and word-of-mouth advertising. In some neighbourhoods, more than 40% of all households are already members.

For branding and awareness, we also use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and of course our own website hoplr.com and blog.

Distribution strategy

Hoplr has a validated growth model. We have developed a free start-up package and procedure for neighbourhoods, with which 10% to 15% of households register in the first two weeks. After that, every neighbourhood has the potential to continue growing organically to 40% of the households or more.

Hoplr neighbourhoods can arise spontaneously and organically via a neighbourhood founder. If your neighbourhood does not yet exist, you are given the opportunity to set one up yourself. The neighbourhood founder defines the neighbourhood, gives it a name and starts the launch after receiving the free start-up package.

Hoplr neighbourhoods can also be set up in cooperation with a town or municipal authority. In this way, we can guarantee every resident that their neighbourhood exists at the time of the launch. Ghent was the first city for which we launched all neighbourhoods last summer. At present, almost 15% of all Ghent households use Hoplr.

Internationalisation strategy

Naturally, we cherish ambitions. For example, we want to offer a free, secure, private and advertising-free network for all European neighbourhoods, entirely in line with the new European privacy legislation. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Although we already support a number of neighbourhoods among our northern neighbours, in 2018 we truly want to become established in the Netherlands, followed shortly afterwards by France and Scandinavia.

Main partners


Since the start of 2016, Hoplr has been able to count on two extremely important strategic partners. Both neighbourhood developer Matexi and the marketing and communication collective Duval Union already invested in Hoplr.