Barnaby 2A

The Place To Be
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 60 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign ended


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Barnaby is a new all-in-one app to make your life easier: a tried and tested guide with search criterions that can be fine-tuned depending on the mood, the atmosphere, the little extra that one is looking for…, an extremely precise geo-location tool showing the closest bars, a 2.0 tab system as well as cashless payment…

Development of the first European mobile payment app for carefully selected venues (five star hotels, wine bars, cocktail and rooftop bars, coffee shops and tearooms etc). Established in France and Belgium since 2015, the app connects people with the must-see local bars and allow a total cashless experience for both parties.

Use of financing

Your financial involvement will make it possible to develop the following features:

  • Recruiting a business developer, a CMO, a product manager and a Growth Hacker.
  • Making the IT developers full-time employees
  • Renting commercial premises
  • Acquiring management and analysis solutions such as Emasphere, Hipay, etc
  • Adapting communication and marketing expenditures
  • Introducing a loyalty programme.
  • Expanding geographical presence to various large cities.

Why invest in Barnaby ?

The Barnaby app is well-known. It is resolutely part of the cashless society being progressively established in numerous countries. So now is the time for it to be one of the major players. Barnaby is the first app in Europe to have developed and implemented the cashless function in bars.

Remember: contactless payments were introduced in Belgium and France in 2012, today they represent in France more than 30% of card payments. Barnaby is going even further with its built-in cashless technology which means customers don’t have to use their credit card. Their card details are registered once for all in the app under optimal security conditions. To achieve this, Barnaby has chosen the technology developed by the American company Stripe® which is currently used by large global players such as Facebook, Amazon, SAP, Deliveroo, Wetransfer, etc .


  • There are millions of bars throughout the world. Unfortunately, the well known ones are not always the best...
  • Many establishments take unfair advantage of their geographical location. Exaggerated differences between prices, products, and services.
  • The best places are often known to just a small number of insiders.
  • The tourist guides are always out of date... and they’re also too heavy and cumbersome!
  • The classical payment problems: waiting period, minimum spending, bill splitting,... still exist...
  • Very high turnover of bars opening and going out of business around the planet... How do you decide? Who can you trust?
  • Top class hotels have bars and qualified staff... but they also find it quite difficult to attract non hotel clients... Obviously, this is a significant loss of income for them!
  • People do not dare or do not think of going inside a hotel under the pretext that they are not customers (not welcome).


Barnaby for Consumers...

  • Barnaby selects the best bars in town, depending on where you are and what you're looking for.
  • Once in the bar, there is no need for any cash, or credit card, … in other words: leave your wallet at home, have your phone in your pocket and make the experience last longer.
  • Barnaby takes care of the bill, just say if you prefer to share with your friends or pay for them.

BARNABY for Bars...

  • A top of the range visibility tool that preserves the brand image of the establishments and attracts desirable new clients from around the world.
  • A "Revenue Management" integration tool.
  • Barnaby has innovated by providing bars with a strong database.
  • Having access to a complete back office: bars can consolidate their data in order to improve their CRM.
  • In addition, Barnaby helps avoid the unpaid bills problem and leads to an increase of their average ticket.

Sources of revenues

  • Entry fees
  • Monthly subscription
  • Commission on the purchase of retail customers linked to Barnaby
  • Sponsorship
  • Media content/hand tailored services

Marketing strategy

Since April 2017, Barnaby has been working with two French companies: Zmirov, (PR) to promote the app and Les Causantes (a specialised growth hacking company) for customer analysis and acquisition on social media using sophisticated and powerful algorithms.
Barnaby will enhance:
1) its community through social networks.
2) its partnership projects/visibility with stakeholders linked to tourism: Uber, Eurostar, Airfrance, Havas,etc.
3) continue to structure its young, dynamic and ambitious sales team.
4) its loyalty program to be put in place: sponsorship/scalable number of options/gamification

Distribution strategy

1) Signing up with luxury hotel chains for quick, high-quality, international dissemination
2) Seeking exclusivity with the largest possible number of establishments
3) Rapidly establishing partnerships with companies such as "Airbnb" or even "Onefinestay" in order to increase the number of users
4) Intelligent and tailored use of the sales team in the towns targeted to optimize the number of recruitments
5) Appointment of a "BARNABY AMBASSADOR" in each town, for proactive feedback on changes in the various markets and trends
6) Prospection/filtering/skimming through an "internal committee” for venues selection.

Internationalisation strategy

Targeted international development:

1) At the European level: Focusing on the main towns showing the largest annual number of overnight stays.
2) Worldwide: Focusing on the main towns showing the largest annual number of overnight stays !! Ensuring that Barnaby fully retains its flexibility in order to adapt to the change in the rating of the towns/target markets!!
3) Protecting the "BARNABY" brand internationally

Intellectual Property

Major contracts

They are talking about us :

Main partners

  • Batch
  • Mixpanel
  • Stripe
  • Hubspot
  • GrowthHackers

On 1st July 2016, the Barnaby Team has moved to the MH Lab 78, located at MH head office in Paris.

Our first clients: