Tech Care For All 1A

The partner to drive digital health in Africa and Asia
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 100 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed

Market positioning

As a social enterprise (or business with social purpose), TC4A exists to meet social needs that are not currently being met by traditional market solutions.
We aspire to be a key contributor to the achievement of universal access to healthcare and therefore focus on both technology and transformation in local health ecosystems.
Our distinctive value proposition is the way in which we uniquely combine technologic prowess and a global business toolbox (licensing and deal-making, for example) with deep knowledge and compassion around global health needs. Moreover, we are flexible: In some instances we may be a low-cost provider, while in others we will assemble the most comprehensive solution available.

Market trends

The digital health market is growing exponentially in the low and middle-income country markets we are targeting. Digital health in Africa is poised to grow by 20% to USD 450M over the next two years. In India alone, it is projected to nearly double to 730 M USD over the same period. We aspire to become a market leader in a fast-growing market place.


There are many digital health companies trying to commercialize digital health solutions in Africa and Asia and failing.
The big multinational players such as Cerner and GE Healthcare have not been successful in the African and emerging markets because they are leveraging the older “legacy” technologies used in the U.S. and Europe, rather than newer and more flexible cloud-based technologies now available.

TC4A will deliver technologies fully adapted for emerging market needs, including simple “lightweight” solutions that can be easily configured and have intuitive user design. TC4A starts with what is already working in our target markets. We focus on building a basket of technology that can be flexibly applied to a variety of customer and project needs. Our business model of working with local companies as joint venture partners gives us a unique competitive advantage over other digital health companies. This makes us the optimal partner for African and Asian entrepreneurs who want to transform health.