Nutraceutical food patent company 1A

Making industrial food cholesterol-friendly
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 150 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed
This campaign has ended. If you have any more questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact us via

Coralie B

Dear Mr Thomas,
Please find below a summary review of Balance sheet (at 31st December 2020)
The main shareholders will be the founders of the company.
The patent will be the property of NFPC. The agreement is ongoing and will be signed before the creation of the company NFPC.

Balance Sheet - 31.12.2020 :
TOTAL Assets = € 183.800
composed of:
Intangible Assets € 160.000 (200.000 - first year depreciation)
Cash: € 23.800

TOTAL Liabilities = € 183.800
composed of :
Capital € 350.000
result of the year - € 183.306
Commercial debts € 17.106

If you need further explanation, please don't hesitate to contact me by email :

Thomas R

Thank you for your answer.

31/12/2020? So, you're speaking about the guidance for the end of 2020 then?

Thomas R

- How does your balance sheet look like? how many debts?
- Who are the biggest shareholders after this transaction?
- Will the patent effectively be the property of NFPC? Is their a concluded agreement on the sale of the patent for 200k?

Coralie B

Dear Olli B
Thanks for your question .

Our alimentary patent don't reduce cholesterol .
The innovation is :
That the patented ingredient included in the food will not give more cholesterol to the person.
For example : If you like butter... continue to eat butter without the cholesterol effects that butter normally gives when you eat it .
We haven't competitor on the market.

Guy W.

Olli B

How much the patent reduces the cholesterol? What are the main competing solutions and the competitiveness of the suggested patent against them?

Eric B

Who will own the IP related to the patents? Normaphar or NFPC? If Normaphar keeps it, under which conditions will NFPC be allowed to use the IP?

Coralie B

Dear Eric,
NFPC will own the IP.
NFPC will purchase the patent to Normaphar (200K€). This amount has been evaluated and certified by an external auditor.
If you need further explanation, please don't hesitate to contact me by email :