Back To Wood 2A

You dream. We build.
€ 116,800
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 90 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed

Market positioning

Back To Wood is positioned in the mid/high end of the custom-made wood construction market. Back To Wood has an image of a young company passionate about wood and construction that is close to its customers. Back To Wood's ambition is to become an undeniable leader in the tailor-made wooden construction sector and to reach an audience that wants to buy a "dream / luxury product" with an affordable budget, or at least one that is reasonable for the quality offered.


There are many players in the wooden construction market. Most of them operate in the standardised construction form, unlike Back To Wood, which makes tailor-made and standardised entry-level products (via partnerships).

List of competitors:

  • HIGH RANGE (Tailor-made): English Heritage (british), TAIGA (oak), La Robinsonnade, MISHA- perché.
  • MIDDLE RANGE (standard): DOMI (Wavre), OOgraden
  • LOW RANGE (standard): MAKRO, BRICO (SOLID), GAMMA, (The general public keeps these prices in mind), HUBO.

Back To Wood's competitive advantage is the fact that it is well represented on Google (digital) and has a good network. Back To Wood also offers a qualitative entry-level product that competes with the mid-range products.