Yoga Room 1A
Feel good, Be happy.
total amount raised in round
- Backed by over 80 investors
This campaign ended
Market positioning
Yoga Room’s revenue comes from two streams:
1) Revenue from individuals: 4 offerings for individuals:
a) Private classes for 22 Euros,
b) An unlimited one month card for 130 Euros,
c) A 5 class card for 90 Euros,
d) Participation in workshop and training sessions - Price to be defined depending on the session.
1) Revenue from individuals: 4 offerings for individuals:
a) Private classes for 22 Euros,
b) An unlimited one month card for 130 Euros,
c) A 5 class card for 90 Euros,
d) Participation in workshop and training sessions - Price to be defined depending on the session.
2) Revenue from businesses: 2 offerings:
a) "Corporate Card" where the company buys a number of classes for its staff.
b) The organisation of workshops and team building.
a) "Corporate Card" where the company buys a number of classes for its staff.
b) The organisation of workshops and team building.
Market trends

The Yoga market is growing steadily worldwide.
However, the establishment of such a market is different on every continent.
The Yoga market in the US is a mature market which represents 7 billion USD per year.
The market in Asia is also strongly established.
However, the establishment of such a market is different on every continent.
The Yoga market in the US is a mature market which represents 7 billion USD per year.
The market in Asia is also strongly established.
Europe and especially Belgium are at earlier stages of development. However, we believe we have passed the "tipping point" which points to strong growth in the future.

Google searches, which have more than doubled over the last 18 months, are a good indicator of market trends. The Google searches are overwhelmingly concentrated on the following topics:
Where to practice yoga
Particular types of class
This clearly shows the trend for a strong demand for yoga. This trend has accelerated sharply since 2014.
Benchmarks & references
Le yoga: plus d'un million d'adeptes en France. - La raison principale du succès croissant du yoga c'est que le bien-être qu'il procure est physique et psychique. Il propose cette réconciliation corps-esprit qui est devenue, ces dernières années, une quête majeure, sous l'influence des philosophies orientales en général
— Anne-Laure Gannac, France info
"L’incroyable business du Yoga. - C’est même devenu aujourd'hui un business florissant, comme en témoignent les événements de plus en plus nombreux consacrés à cette discipline."
— Jean François Arnaud,
"We believe the growth will continue. If you look to the American market, yoga is increasing year on year by 25% -- a phenomenal growth rate. Provided you offer high quality teaching and the right environment I believe it will continue to grow in the UK. The key is quality of teaching. If you get poor teachers it affects everyone."
— Paul Fox (Yoga Magazine)
"If you just track the awareness and uptake of yoga over the past 12 years, it's been incredible, Now it's in commercials and movies." "With more than 100 studios nationwide, CorePower Yoga aims to offer a consistent, upscale customer experience in a land of mom and pops."
— Tice,
Competition is stimuling
Competition in the Yoga market in Belgium is extremely positive because it helps enormously to build the market, make it grow and give credibility to the practice of Yoga. It is still quite limited in Belgium (and Europe) which means we can quickly establish our position.
There are three main types of Yoga Studio in Belgium:
- Yoga studios in gyms. These are very useful for growing the yoga market because they enable those interested to learn about yoga. However, they do not offer a professional approach to Yoga.
- More discrete Yoga studios which usually offer one or two classes per day in rather restricted and often poorly or inadequately equipped spaces, with a not very professional overall approach. There are dozens in Brussels, but not many people know about them.
- Studios dedicated 100% to Yoga with special Yoga facilities and instructors with international experience. There is only 1 in Brussels; Yyoga and 1 in Antwerp.
These studios are often very specialized and only offer a few classes a day (1 or 2 classes) which makes the schedule unsuitable for most of those interested. In conclusion, there are many small studios but there is no one leading reference for Yoga yet in existence. Our goal is to make Yoga Room the leading name for Yoga in Belgium with the opening of several studios in Brussels (5) and Belgium (over 10).
Our positioning is to provide a complete Yoga offering, through instructors with international experience in well-equipped and contemporary facilities, such as are found in other countries and, above all, as we have had in Asia for 8 years with our first 2 studios.