2houses 2A

Nous aidons les parents séparés à communiquer et s'organiser pour le bien-être de leurs enfants
506 138 €
montant total du tour de table
  • Soutenu par plus de 120 investisseurs
Cette campagne de financement est clôturée

Positionnement sur le marché

The Beta version has been launched on the 31st of October in English en French. Public website www.2houses.com has attracted more than 30.000 unique visitors so far and more than 4.200 family accounts have been created. 70% of the users are based in France & Belgium, 10% in the US, 7% in Canada and the rest is split between Switzerland, Poland, India, Germany, etc. 2houses received an excellent press and coverage as you can see on our press page: http://press.2houses.com/?page_id=79 We pushed the current users to take part in the 2houses product development and asked them their feedback (through emails scenario after subscription, online feedback tool, etc). It worked well and allowed us to decide on the new features and improvements. In the meantime, 2houses employed his first developer who is currently working on Version 1 which will be released on the 4th of June. This is a major release with more than 150 improvements - this will make the products the users want. A high level view can be found in our last newsletter: http://2houses.cmail5.com/t/ViewEmail/r/E3054B7432C18872/C861AE40FDD7E2026A4D3D471B02C3D7 This is also the launch of our pay version. After the 2 months free trial, the users will make the choice between going to the free plan (limited in functionalities) or pay plan (with full features).

Tendances du marché

The target market is: divorced or separated parents with at least 1 child less than 18 years old living in Europe. There are 40 millions divorced parents in Europe and more than 1.6 million new divorces or separations involving children every year.


Today there are a handful of similar product offerings in the US but no major competitors here in Europe. In the US, sharing an online custody calendar is recognized by attorneys and mediators to help divorced parents to reduce conflicts. Custodyjunction.com and ourfamilywizard.com are two serious services active for more than 10 years. In Europe and more recently, Familink.com has been launched in France.