Turbulent 1A

La turbine hydroéléctrique la plus rentable
€ 1 600 000
montant total du tour de table
  • Soutenu par plus de 160 investisseurs
  • Eligible à une réduction d’impôts
Cette campagne de financement est clôturée


Toute décision d’investir doit être fondée sur un examen exhaustif des informations fournies par l’entrepreneur sur le profil en ligne. Spreds n’a procédé qu’à une vérification limitée de ces informations et ne contrôle pas l’opportunité d’investissement dans la société. Spreds n’a pas vérifié dans quelle mesure le plan financier élaboré par l’entrepreneur s’avère réaliste et n’intervient pas dans la fixation des termes finaux de l’investissement, notamment la valorisation maximum retenue. Spreds s’alignera aux termes financiers négociés avec le ou les co-investisseur(s).


Cette campagne n'est disponible qu'en anglais.

Stratégie commerciale

Turbulent is more and more becoming known as a brand for easily accessible microhydropower. By removing all the expertise and custom components from the build of a hydropower plant, we open up the market to non expert customers and project developers. As such Turbulent's main communication strategy is to educate people of the unknown potential they often have at their disposal with their river or canal. Turbulent is now becoming more and more active on social media and youtube, where we want to educate people and create a collaborative ecosystem for growing our technology. We are also organizing seminars for the large amount of distributors that are currently applying for the rights to develop potential sites in their country.

Stratégie de distribution

Turbulent will focus on a distribution through its partner network of Value added Resellers. These partners can be project developers, engineering firms, rural electrification entities, renewable energy providers (who currently focus on wind, solar, and hydro) or any other kind of contractor. The main need is to add the servie of civil works to the package of Turbulent turbines. Our goal is to secure 4 of these V.A.R.'s in 2018 and install the first pilot plants in every region that will then be used to showcase the technology and drive sales.

Stratégie d'internationalisation

Over the coming 5 years, Turbulent’s strategy is to enter roughly 15 countries (~3 per year) through its own team in Europe and Chile and a network of distributors in Asia, North America and Africa. Besides that, Turbulent will increase its cooperation with energy producers like Engie to finance its projects and create a measurable impact in the global energy supply.Turbulent will focus on the following priorities markets:
- Chile and surrounding countries Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Turbulent already entered this region and has a substantial network set up with ministries, industry, customers, and a local partnership with Engie to jointly develop hydropower projects.
- Emerging markets with local focus/beneficial policies on small hydro: Brazil, Indonesia / Malaysia and Philippines
- Developed European and American markets: establishing projects in developed countries with more rigorous regulation in terms of environmental impact and grid connection.