James Lind Vitamintea 1A

James Lind produit et commercialise une boisson délicieuse à base de thé, de jus et de vitamines.
68 960 €
montant total du tour de table
  • Soutenu par plus de 150 investisseurs
Cette campagne de financement est clôturée
Cette campagne est terminée. Si vous avez d’autres questions ou remarques, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter via info@spreds.com.

David V

Hello - when will the financial results for 2016 be made available to your shareholders? Last year they were published early January. What's causing the delay this year?



Tobias T

Hello David, we are implementging an new ERP System AND a new CRM system. As always with this kind of software the complexity has been a bit underestimated. We are working on it and will inform as soon as we are through. Thanks for your patience. Tobias

Boris R

what is the sugar (or sugar replacement) % / daily recommended average in those drinks ?

Boris R

That's a lot for a healthy drink. As a comparaison a coke has 36% of recommended intake

Tobias T

Hello Boris, sorry for this very late reply! Lots of action going on here. We are just preparing third production and doubling volumes.. Which is good but unexpected. Now, concerning your question: We do sweeten with apple juice concentrate. Its a great natural sweetner, since it blends in perfectly with the juices used. In terms of calories, James Lind has between 22 and 24 calories (based on a serving of 100ml) and the set of vitamins cover 20% of your daily recommended intake. Hope I did anser you correctly and again my apology for this very, very late reply! Tobias

Jeroen V

I do want to have a contact person for export.... I'm very interested to import/sell this product in Belgium if possible?

Tobias T

Hello Jeroen, I will get in touch with you next week, ok? Tobias

Frédéric C

Hello tobias!
I 'm living in a touristis region. If you want to send documentary about your vitamintea, it will be a good pleasure to help you in your projest.

Tobias T

Hello Frédéric, thank you! That could be interesting! please send me your direct email, this way I can send you some additional information. Best regards, Tobias

Frédéric C

Hi Tobias.
Have you some project for an european growth?
Thank you, Frédéric.

Tobias T

Hello Frédéric, our main focus right now is the German market and supply the contracted volumes. However, we do have some contacts and leads to other countries which we want to see if we can turn them into business as soon as possible as well. We are absolutely interested in exporting into other countries. Did I answer your question? Tobias

Frédéric C

Thank you for your answer.

François M

Do You use pure juice or juice from concentrate ?
Thank you

Tobias T

Hello François & Florence, we do sweeten with apple juice concentrate. And we work with juice from concentrate. Hope to have answered your questions. Otherwise, please let me know!


Danny V

PS II : Sorry, I touched too soon the "post comment" button..without correcting my text :-(. My first question should be.. How did you arrive at the different tastes?

Tobias T

Hi Danny,
flavor this is one of the most important issues! We didn't want to become too exotic. As you know, we want to sell volumes. Our aim is not to be a niche product aimed at connoisseur but to please many customers and sell volumes.
However, we need to trigger interest/curiosity with customers, that is why we carefully chose tea variationas which are known to be healthy and which are a bit exotic (Mate-tea (2x), Matcha-tea, Red-fruit-hibiscus). So much for the curiosity.

For the flavor however, we didn't want to surprise consumers. We chose blends that are well known and widely accepted. If you become to exotic here, consumers end up buying it from time to time but not regularly. Consumers usually prefer flavors that are well known for them, ideally flavors they grew up with.

The colors was more a coincidence, but a nice one!

Concerning english website, you are absolutely right. We have just started and the primary target market is Germany, so German was the first language necessary on the website. I needed to see how things work and in order to keep costs down till we know it really works, I didnt go into other languages. We are doing a few additional adaptations and as soon as we are done, we will translate in english (and maybe dutch & french).

Finally, yes the crowdfunding money is important, for two reasons, one being that the 200K from the lead-investor is enough according to our plan, but there are plenty of opportunities to invest in different marketing tools or to invest in listing fees to get us into a retailer we didn't plan for at the beginning. So the money would be spend for additional growth. The other reason is of course that we want to have the crowd on our side. That is extremly important. A lot of good input did already come to us and from september on we more intensively look into how to best enter the Belgian market. SO the crowd will become even more important in spreading the word.

I saw that you invested! Thank you for your trust!


Danny V

part 2 of my reply.. :-) :
Can you give us an update of the possible investments in your company from "Venture capitalists"?
Why did you prefer a "crowdfunding" platform for an investment of only 50.000€?
PS : Last but not least, and to answer on your question , I can already confirm that I have invested in your company . :-)

Best Regards,

(Hope that we will have in the future regular contacts on the business evolution of James Lind). I will write you a mail with my contact details.

Danny V

Thanks Tobias for the answers on my questions. I still have some more questions about the product itself. I like very much the original packaging and the James Lind logo expresses a quality product. But how did you become the different tastes? Did you some research or/and worked with taste panels? And is it for marketing reasons that you work with four different "colours", or is it just the result of the tastes you liked most. I have one suggestion for you. If you work with an "high end" product, I believe that a English version of the website gives a more international appeal and image, even if you work only for the German market.
And my very last questions are financial linked ones : In our investment case we see that you expect a 200.000€ investment from "professional" investors - private equity. Ca

Danny V

Dear Tobias,
I have googled your name and I found your name as CEO of some interesting companies "new food and friends","Tropextract" and "Nidus". Please can you tell me the status of these companies and is there a link with "James Lind vitamintea"?
And is/was "Wabble Bubble" a succes? Why ? Why not? And what's the difference between the Wabble Bubble and the vitamintea (as both drinks contains Tea and Juice)?

Best regards,


Tobias T

Hi Danny, amazing what google can do :). So, basically I have been in food ingredients/development all my professional life. 1st company was "tropextrakt GmbH", a pure trading company for raw materials for the food industry. Focus is on 100% natural and exotic raw materials. "New Food and Friend GmbH" was a vertical step towards smaller producers (ice cream parlors, food service etc) we more or less repacked the tropextrakt raw-materials into smaller packings (100g-3kg) and offered the ingredients via a web shop. However, smaller producers were extremly time consuming while processing very small volumes. We did not reach critical mass and closed operations.

Nidus, is my actual company. We founded it with the aim to develop innovative brands such as (www.sunnywhitebeach.de, www.zuccher.com.br and www.james-lind.com) we focus on global food market trends and aim to be the first ones applying this to the European market.

Bubble Tea was a fun product for kidds and young adults, which we developed together with the German company Dr.Oetker. For that you have to know, that Bubble-Tea was an Asian mega trend in Germany 3 years ago . There where hundereds of Bubble Tea shops popping up all overGermany and even McDonalds offered them. We were ready to launch the first retail product for supermarkets & gas stations. Unfortunately the market colapsed after the products originated from Asia were criticised of having too much sugar and artificial colorants. So we decided not too launch...

However, we learned a lot about tea. JAMES LIND VITAMINTEA is a high end product of superior quality: 100% natural tea & juice, no cristal sugar aded and no preserving agents. But mos important, JAMES LIND has a contract over 5 Million bottles at place! The first production lot of 60.000 bottles is already sold after only 1.5 months!

Hope I gave you a satisfying answer and that I won you as an investor.

If you want more details, you can always call me at: 00491789163456

Florence G

No cristal sugar added: very good! But then, how do you sweeten your teas? Through fruit juice only? Or with what?
Thanks a lot

Frédéric C

Les boissons énergisantes représentent-elles un défi du point de vue de la concurrence pour votre entreprise,

Tobias T

No, not at all. We are offering a tasty, tea based baverage with juice and vitamines. Our flavor is more light, not too sweet and easy to drink. Something, young and old could enjoy. Energydrinks are usually more consumed for the caffeine effect and have a strong flavors, that is far away from James Lind. Hope to have answered your question.


Geoffroy D

Bonjour, cet investissement répond-il aux critères pour bénéficier du nouveau plan Tax Shelter pour Start-Up ? Merci.

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