Enterprise Power Apps
113 000 €
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Cette campagne est terminée. Si vous avez d’autres questions ou remarques, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter via info@spreds.com.

Fred O

Please forgive me for this difficult question, do you see the customers of HIGHT.IO will be more of a :
* Consumer driven, retail or the brick_&_mortar
* Industrial driven, renew infrastructure (government stimulus)
* Commodity driven, Hard ( must be mined or extracted) driven by the new Green res§§t), Soft (agricultural)

And what are the geographic expansion for HIGHT.IO?

Thanks for answering.

Fred O


Thank you for this unique opportunity!
Why is the system architect build in the cloud (central) and not making use of a blockchain technology (decentralize)? Please can you collaborate more on : Data security of clients,Transparency (no need of a costly third party partner), Clean DATA (customer with there personal key presents a unified and accurate picture of them self)


Rodolphe D

Dear Fred, thank you very much for your interest and relevant questions.
All of our solutions are cloud-native but not centralized. All of the middleware logic is running on AWS Serverless which is a Distributed Network model where computation is shared across many different nodes and distributed across components. We can automatically and horizontally scale and run logic edge-optimized across the entire globe without provisioning, scaling or managing any infrastructure.
And we do apply blockchain technology in our core systems where available, eg. all of our web applications use ZK (Zero Knowledge) cryptography and distributed ledger blockchain technology for authentication so we never store any user passwords etc.

Security and regulatory compliance is of the highest importance for us. Being an AWS Technology Partner allows us to leverage the best security standards and certifications out there: ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 27017:2015, 27018:2019 and ISO/IEC 9001:2015 and CSA STAR CCM v3.0.1 and cater for compliance requirements where needed such as GDPR.
In terms of security we ensure that all data is protected and encrypted at rest and in transit and that all stateless endpoints are protected and can detect attacks and/or other malware.
All outside connectivity is handled via OAuth2 protocols to ensure that never any credentials are stored in our databases.

We support a multi-tenant architecture encompassing full tenant awareness context. This is built-in into the modern serverless SaaS architecture.
Each endpoint/microservice validates the tenant authentication and services authorization for that specific user via the Bearer JWT token claims (AWS Cognito) and injects the user or tenant context into the different layers of the application stack.
This way we ensure tenant isolation which is handled using the AWS Cognito tenant context handler and other component specifics.

If you have any more questions, then we are happy to answer those for you.

Jan Hox
E: jan@hight.io
M: +32 473 233318

Rodolphe D

Dear Fred O,

No problem. There are no difficult questions only questions we cannot accurately answer.

HIGHT.IO is not targeting any specific customer segment.

E.g. with our REDUCR.IO A/P automation offering we currently target any customer on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP, Xero or QuickBooks Online.
All customer segments B2C, B2B are in need to optimize their account payable process whether they sell goods for customer market, manufacture (MTO Make to Order or MTS Make to stock), sell services; are in agriculture, mining, public or private services you name it.
They all need to record supplier invoices or bills correctly in their accounting.

With FLOWIQ.AI we bring ‘consumerization’ into enterprises. This allows them, regardless of any customer segment, to route approvals to Collaboration tools already in use (MS Teams, Slack, WhatsApp, Outlook) without having to build custom approval applications.
FLOWIQ.AI can handle any type of document that needs approval. E.g., Purchase orders, Payments, Timesheets, Holiday requests, etc

All our offerings are Software-As-A-Service and are available worldwide; accessible anywhere and anytime.

If you have any more questions, then we are happy to answer those for you.

Best Regards
Rodolphe de Cartier