Woké 1A

Woké heeft een Healthy Fast Food concept gecreëerd. Deze zal zich verder ontwikkelen via het opzetten van franchises in Frankrijk, de Verenigde Staten en Canada.
€ 339.994
totaal opgehaald in ronde
  • Gesteund door meer dan 180 investeerders
Deze financieringsronde werd afgesloten


Woké has already two restaurants in Belgium, and a lot of people are in love with its concept. There is a real potential. Moreover, the international selling of its concept has already started in the USA and Montréal.


Our target market is the fast-casual food around the world. In general, Woké is targeting customers between 20 and 40 years old such as young businessmen and women, outgoers/ movie-goers, shoppers and master students. For its development, Woké is targeting franchisers. Woké expects to develop its concept in 3 countries and open 8 restaurants by 2016.


Our competitiors are from different branches of the restauration sector such as trendy bio's (Exki, The Food Maker...), Fast-food (McDonald's, Quick, Pizza Hut), Snacks, and classic restaurants