The Focus Academy 1A

Een belonende Virtual Focus Coach, 24/7
€ 183.000
totaal opgehaald in ronde
  • Gesteund door meer dan 80 investeerders
  • Geniet van een belastingvermindering
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Jonas B


Is the app already developed? Is there an alpha version available or are the pictures just a mock-up?


Bart V Ondernemer

Hi Jonas,

thank you for your interest in our project. The mock-ups you see are based on wireframes we designed and that we are finetuning right now with our future customers. So we are in the process of developing our Hocus Focus software that will be released in March 2019.

Keep in mind that Hocus Focus is our software tool. A tool to enhance a complete focus traject in companies, lead by our company The Focus Academy.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,