The Spreds Blog

Thoughts from our Chairman on traveling across Europe and #EUCrowdShow

— Updates — 3 minutes read

Today we are in Slovenia for our #EUCrowdShow, a roadshow across 29 countries in Europe. We're going to the big and small places in each corner, from France and Germany to Malta and Cyprus. The tour is led by the MyMicroInvest Chairman, Jose Zurstrassen, who has more than 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur and, more recently, as an investor... read more

10 cities down, 19 to go! #EUCrowdShow Weekly Wrap-up

— 3 minutes read

This was the second week of our adventure across Europe for the #EUCrowdShow. We visited 10 countries so far, with 19 left to go, we’re almost half-way and we’ve just started.  This week we went to Valetta, Malta at Talbot & Bons; Tallinn, Estonia at Tallinn Creative Incubator; Riga, Latvia at TechHub Riga; Helsinki, Finland hosted by Maria 0-1; and Vilnius, Lithuania at Rise Vilnius... read more

#EUCrowdShow Weekly Wrap-up

— 3 minutes read

This week marked the start of our ambitious journey across Europe, in the #EUCrowdShow.  We visited 5 countries in 5 days, in Prague at Lab64, in Budapest at Impact Hub, in Bucharest at TechHub, in Athens at Innovathens, and in Nicosia at IDEA... read more

About our Chairman, the #EUCrowdShow Ambassador, José Zurstrassen

— 5 minutes read

This is an interview excerpt with José Zurstrassen, the #EUCrowdShow Ambassador, and MyMicroInvest Chairman. Question: Why don't you tell us in your own words about your experience as a founder. Why might a CEO or founder in Europe want to meet you, what is your background? José: It's an important question... read more

Press Release - #EUCrowdShow

— 2 minutes read

#EUCrowdShow, the world’s first crowdsourced roadshow on entrepreneurship and crowdfunding across 29 countries in Europe MyMicroInvest and the European Startup Network are proud to announce the launch of a crowdsourcing roadshow, the #EUCrowdShow, a tour across 29 countries... read more

Founder of Take Eat Easy Karim Slaoui talks business

— Other — 3 minutes read

If you live in Brussels, Paris or London, you undoubtedly know them: riding custom built single speed bicycles, green sweaters, retro cap on the head. These young guys and gals are delivering top quality food to your doorstep at insane speeds... read more

The different types of crowdfunding campaigns

— Investment tips — 4 minutes read

Equity campaign Firstly, let's look at the standard equity campaign, which is the most common and straight-forward. In an equity campaign, a company raises funds by offering shares in their company to investors. The reasoning is that in order to raise capital to launch an idea or product, a company opens up part of its capital to get it off the ground... read more

Crowdfunding notes: how to trade them at Euronext Expert Market

— Investment tips — 1 minute read

On Tuesday this week, March 1st, the first crowdfunding note was traded on a secondary market ever in Europe. Yes, MyMicroInvest has a note that can be bought and sold on the Euronext Expert Market. This is great news, as this means that our investors will enjoy more price transparency on their investment in the future... read more