The Spreds Blog

Let’s talk about risk

— Investment tips — 2 minutes read

Investing in start-ups and scale-ups is considered risky compared to other asset classes like publicly traded stocks or bonds. However, there is always a way to reduce your risk by simply building a diversified portfolio, and we’ll explain why... read more

Five factors to consider before investing in a start-up

— Investment tips — 3 minutes read

While at MyMicroInvest, we don't give advice on which specific start-ups to invest in, there are a few guidelines that can be taken into consideration to evaluate a company before deciding to invest in it. There are five factors that you should focus on before making an investment: 1. A product or service offered should be the solution to a specific problem or need the market is having... read more

Yoga Room, a #FundedFamily success story

— 2 minutes read

[yogaroom-fundedfamily.jpg] In 2015, and after eight years of developing his craft as a yogi in Shanghai, Pierre Rousseaux, founder of Yoga Room Shanghai, had the brilliant idea to develop his business in Belgium and bring his positive lifestyle to its capital, in need of this inspiring of change... read more

MyMicroInvest is the first crowdfunding platform to get approval from the FSMA

— Updates — 1 minute read

[hands.jpg] Great news! MyMicroInvest is the first crowdfunding platform to get approval from the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority! The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) is the Belgian financial regulatory agency, previously known as the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission... read more

IPO, the dream exit?

— Investment tips — 2 minutes read

For some private companies, IPOs are often considered as the Holy Grail. But what is an IPO exactly, and why is it sought out? When a privately held company turns to the public to raise capital on the stock market for the first time, the process is famously called an Initial Public Offering, shortened to IPO, which is a public offering of shares that are sold to investors on a stock exchange... read more

#FundedFamily: Skinoo positively impacts maternal health

— Startup successes — 1 minute read

[skinoo-spread.jpg] Breastfeeding is one of the most common recommendations for new moms, as it is proven that this method benefits the baby’s growth. However, it can also be a tough thing for new moms who often find it painful and are forced to stop.  With this situation, mother of four, Jasmine De Wulf, recognised the problem and found a solution... read more

Are Millennials investing?

— Investment tips | Other — 2 minutes read

[are-millennials-investing.jpg] Often categorised as selfish or ungrateful, the generation that is known as “Millennials” are proving to be quite the generous bunch and are slowly growing into socially conscious investors. Millennials are the generation born in the 80s and mid-90s, who have come of age in the financial crisis... read more

Good news for Freeedrive, a member of our #FundedFamily

— Startup successes — 1 minute read

[freeedrive-fundedfamily.jpg] Freeedrive raised funds with MyMicroInvest one year ago, in March 2016. In total they collected €77,900 from the crowd, and €67,088 from professional investors, joining our #FundedFamily.  Freeedrive addresses the main cause of car accidents: texting while driving... read more

New opportunities for crowdfunding across the EU

— Updates — 2 minutes read

[eu-crowdfunding.jpg] Crowdfunding is emerging as one of the most efficient ways of gathering funding in Europe. To further accelerate this momentum, the European Union (EU) is offering new rules that will boost the crowdfunding industry and help it to expand, by updating the rules on the prospectus... read more

#FundedFamily: Tax Shelter helps Europea Residences raise!

— Startup successes — 3 minutes read

[fundedfamily.jpg] Welcome to our first edition of #FundedFamily, where we interview entrepreneurs who have successfully raised funds on our platform. For this first edition, we interviewed the CEO of Europea Residences, our first tax shelter qualified crowdfunding campaign... read more