The Spreds Blog

YouScribe, winnner of the Digital Africa Challenge

— Startup successes — 2 minutes read

[schoolkids.jpg] The contest organised by the AFD, the French Tech and Bpifrance has chosen to reward the knowledge sharing app: YouScribe, a mobile library for French-speakers. After raising €162,300 through 2 campaigns on our platform in 2013 and 2014, YouScribe made great progress and has become the biggest streaming library in France... read more

MyMicroInvest meets the 2017 Web Summit

— Other — 2 minutes read

[websummit.png] Two weeks ago, I got to be the lucky guy flying to Lisbon to attend the Web Summit, the biggest technology conference in the world. Uber, Instagram, Netflix… most of these renown companies past through the Web Summit at some point in time... read more

Inventures II: not your typical Impact Venture Capital fund

— Other — 3 minutes read

As a new investment opportunity in the TONIIC network, Inventures II has officially confirmed its ability to generate a measurable positive impact on the world and is getting noticed for its unique Impact Investing model... read more

Tax Shelter for scale-ups – MyMicroInvest is ready

— Updates — 2 minutes read

[tax-shelter.jpg] Following Charles Michel’s recent announcement on the expansion of the Tax Shelter to scale-ups, we decided to reflect on the subject… Many investors and entrepreneurs have contacted us to know if MyMicroInvest also covers Tax Shelter for growing companies and the answers is “yes, once the law passes... read more

Eventer: a picture perfect campaign

— Startup successes — 2 minutes read

[eventer.jpg] After a successful campaign: €99,900 raised thanks to 72 crowd investors in just a few days, here are the first impressions of Pierre-Yves Bossard, co-founder of Eventer, the new Belgian geotagged photo-sharing app. This Parisian Sales Globe-Trotter, adopted by Brussels, kindly answered some of our questions... read more

Behind the scenes - meet our new Senior Investment Manager

— Updates — 2 minutes read

[laurent.png] A fresh face has recently joined our team here at MyMicroInvest. Meet Laurent Jouret, our new Senior Investment Manager for the Inventures II fund. At 45 years old, Laurent decided that is was time for a change and joined our ranks in the beginning of October 2017... read more

2018: a change in investor behaviour?

— Investment tips — 4 minutes read

In July 2017, the Belgian government announced a series of important reforms including the establishment of a tax on securities accounts of more than €500,000 which should take effect in 2018. Following this announcement, many are already wondering how i twill affect investor behaviour... read more

Yoga Room investors are seeing double!

— Startup successes — 4 minutes read

[yogaroom.jpg] Great news for the Yoga Room crowd investors! Twenty months after taking part in the company’s first fundraising, investors have very recently accepted a buyback offer of their shares in the start-up, granting them an interesting return on investment of twice the initial amount invested in Yoga Room... read more

Slimbox: first impressions after a triumphant fundraising

— Startup successes — 3 minutes read

[slimbox-spread.jpg] In less than a month, Slimbox raised €99,900 in record time. Thanks to 69 motivated investors, this company will be able to fund its project and move forward with its product. Because of the fascinating public interest for this campaign, we decided to sit down with Filip Roose, CEO and co-founder of Fit Things to gather his feelings on his MyMicroInvest adventure... read more