The Spreds Blog

The 5 biggest mistakes an entrepreneur can make

— Other — 2 minutes read

1. Believing in instant success The first mistake entrepreneurs can make is expecting their business to be a quick overnight success. Unfortunately for them, this rarely happens. Ironically enough, this belief is also a big reason for many early company failures... read more

Herculean: a Belgian success story

— Startup successes — 7 minutes read

[herculean.jpg] After a successful closing of their campaign and an official introduction into our #FundedFamily, we wanted to hear the impressions the Herculean Team had about their first crowdfunding experience with MyMicroInvest. To do so, we spent some time with Inge Van Belle, co-founder of Herculean in order to find out her feelings on the subject... read more

5 Risks you will face as an Equity Crowdfunding Investor

— Investment tips — 2 minutes read

Equity Crowdfunding is a risky business. Nonetheless, the scope of risk associated with investing in a young company is difficult to quantify. Even the veteran investors go wrong with their calculations and judgments. But isn’t the investment business all about taking chances? Equity Crowdfunding has brought in umpteen opportunities to investors to make their fortunes and grow richer... read more

Behind the scenes - an interview with our Head of legal

— Other — 3 minutes read

[sarah-kawa.png] Here’s another edition of our blog series “Behind the scenes of MyMicroInvest”, which is an interview with our staff to showcase the people working to support our platform. Our first entry featured our Senior Investment Analyst. Today, we bring you an interview with one of our legal minds, Sarah Kawa, who has been with us since our early stages... read more

Today’s agitator, tomorrow’s innovator

— Other — 3 minutes read

Entrepreneurship is the lifeline of economic growth, and bold innovative minds are the driving forces behind societal progress and economic prosperity. This is a reality which, although commonly acknowledged, is not always prioritised in the academics or regulatory spheres. Belgium in particular, has a way to go in developing a culture of entrepreneurship... read more

A focus on fit20, a #FundedFamily success story

— Other — 5 minutes read

[fit20.jpg] Meet Marc God, CEO and entrepreneur of fit20 Belgium and Luxembourg. After 25 years of previous experience in multinationals and as MentorCoach for business leaders and their teams, it’s fit20 that caught Marc’s eye... read more

Bankruptcy vs. Insolvency

— Other — 2 minutes read

Hopefully, if you are a well-informed investor, you already know that investing has its benefits but also its downfalls. This week’s blog post will focus on two possible negative exits of a company: bankruptcy and insolvency. Many people often mix up the terms “insolvency” and “bankruptcy,” thinking that they mean the same thing. However, these two words actually have different meanings... read more