Tiptoh 1A
Plant-based ‘milk’ made from yellow split peas
total amount raised in round
- Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign ended and is now negotiating with select business angels
Contact us if you are interested in a private meeting with this entrepreneur.
Louis Curtil
Louis leads Tiptoh's growth efforts and brand development.
He is a former Physiotherapist (VUB) and works full-time for Tiptoh.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louis-curtil/
Mail: louis.curtil@tiptoh.eu
Arnaud Muylaert
Arnaud leads Tiptoh's finance and operational activities.
He holds a master degree in Business Engineering - Finance from Solvay Brussels School (ULB) and works full-time for Tiptoh.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnaud-muylaert/
Mail: arnaud.muylaert@tiptoh.eu