
10 Tips for Highly Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns

— Succès de nos start-up — lecture en 5 minutes

[10tips.jpg] Equity crowdfunding has gained a lot of traction and attention over the years. Our prediction: Equity crowdfunding will become more popular than venture capital (€47 billion in 2015) and angel investing (€23.5 billion) by 2017. Based on this, we have compiled a list of 10 best crowdfunding practices for entrepreneurs... lire la suite…

MyMicroInvest in the press: almost €10M raised in one night via crowdfunding

— lecture en 4 minutes

We’ve been working hard this autumn here at MyMicroInvest. Last week we hosted our first event in Flanders, Magic 5, where we also launched our new venture capital investment fund. [magic5-aproplan.jpg] Our team is so busy recruiting crowd investors and discussing campaigns with our entrepreneurs, we rarely take a moment to show off... lire la suite…

How You Can Become an Impact Investor

— Conseils pour investir — lecture en 5 minutes

• Combine social impact and profit • Make money more: more sustainable, more responsible, more impactful • Social entrepreneurship, crowdfunding and venture capital: the better way to invest Making the World a Better Place Making the world a better place: these days, the idea seems more than a little fanciful. Watch the news every day, and the world seems to be going backwards, not forward... lire la suite…

Making Magic at MyMicroInvest: our first event in Flanders

— lecture en 2 minutes

Yesterday we hosted our first exclusive event for our members in Gent, the Magic 5, and today, thanks to our combined effort, there is hope for more sustainable days ahead! Over 500 participants joined the pursuit of a new sustainable future for Europe, raising nearly €10 Million! They were our light to act on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with venture capital, crowdf... lire la suite…

MyMicroInvest bat tous les records : 9,8 millions € levés en direct pour 5 entreprises

— Dernières nouvelles — lecture en 5 minutes

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE - Bruxelles, le 18 novembre 2016  Le 17 novembre dernier, la plate-forme de crowdfunding MyMicroInvest a organisé Magic 5, un événement exclusif à l’Eskimofabriek (Gand) à l’occasion du lancement d’Inventures II, le premier fonds de capital-risque au monde axé sur les entreprises à haut impact sociétal. [magic5... lire la suite…

Thoughts from our Chairman, on how a small business can grow across Europe

— Autre — lecture en 2 minutes

This is an interview excerpt with José Zurstrassen, the #EUCrowdShow Ambassador and MyMicroInvest Chairman. [jose-zurstrassen-mymicroinvest-crowdfunding.jpg] How can a small business in a European country grow and expand across the market?  Let's imagine that a person in a small business in Hungary wants to grow across Europe and expand to each country in the EU... lire la suite…

EUCrowdShow in Sofia, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Warsaw, Dublin - Weekly Wrap-up

— lecture en 3 minutes

It’s the 5th week of our crowdfunding roadshow, the #EUCrowdShow, and it is busier than ever!  With five new cities and countries this week, we’ve now been to 24 corners of Europe! This week we traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria at CowOrKing Space by Puzl; Copenhagen, Denmark at Rocket Labs; Stockholm, Sweden at Coffice; Warsaw, Poland at Techhub; Dublin, Ireland at the Bank of Ireland Conference Fa... lire la suite…