
Investeringen op Spreds decoderen: wat zijn de succespercentages?

— 12 minuten leestijd

[Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 08.42.28.png] Een reactie van Charles-Albert de Radzitzky, een van onze oprichters en CEO ...  Ik krijg vaak vragen over het succes van investeringen via Spreds. En het antwoord is niet zo voor de hand liggend. Bij Spreds hebben we een duidelijke missie: het democratiseren van investeringen in start-ups en innovatieve bedrijven... lees meer

Crowdfunding 2024: een vertraging? Niet bij Spreds 🚀

— Updates — 3 minuten leestijd

[Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 15.59.16.png] Terwijl sommigen voorspellen dat crowdfunding in 2024 zal vertragen, hebben we te maken met een heel andere realiteit: we hebben het aantal gelanceerde campagnes meer dan verdubbeld ten opzichte van vorig jaar... lees meer

What is a business model?

— Andere — 1 minuut leestijd

[slidebean-HH7OwIClUsY-unsplash.jpg] A business model is the strategic framework a company uses to create, deliver, and capture value. It defines how a business operates, generates revenue, and sustains itself over time. A business model addresses key components that ensure a company's profitability and growth while meeting customer needs... lees meer

What is a business plan?

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[austin-distel-wD1LRb9OeEo-unsplash.jpg] A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company's objectives, strategies, and operational plans. It serves as a blueprint for how the business intends to achieve its goals, secure funding, and manage its growth... lees meer

What is a SWOT?

— 1 minuut leestijd

[clark-tibbs-oqStl2L5oxI-unsplash.jpg] A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate a company's internal and external environment. It helps identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to understand the current state of the business and inform strategic decisions... lees meer

Competitor analysis VS Competitive advantage analysis

— Andere — 2 minuten leestijd

[compare-fibre-YS_FCbcD5KM-unsplash.jpg] Competitor Analysis Definition: A competitor analysis focuses on studying and evaluating external players in the market, including their strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and overall operations. It identifies who the key competitors are and how they are positioned in the industry relative to the company... lees meer

What is a USP?

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[davisuko-5E5N49RWtbA-unsplash.jpg] USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition (or Unique Selling Point). It is a distinct feature, benefit, or characteristic that sets a product, service, or brand apart from its competitors. The USP is crafted to communicate why customers should choose a particular offering over others in the market... lees meer

What is a sales and marketing plan?

— 1 minuut leestijd

[merakist-l5if0iQfV4c-unsplash.jpg] A Sales and Marketing Plan is a strategic blueprint outlining how a business will attract, engage, and convert target customers to drive revenue growth. By combining sales (closing deals and generating income) with marketing (building awareness, interest, and demand), the plan ensures alignment with broader business objectives. Key Components 1... lees meer

What is a risk analysis?

— Andere — 3 minuten leestijd

[loic-leray-fCzSfVIQlVY-unsplash.jpg]   A risk analysis in a business plan is an assessment of the potential risks and uncertainties that could impact the success of the business. It involves identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing risks, and outlining strategies to mitigate or manage these risks... lees meer

What is gap analysis?

— Andere — 1 minuut leestijd

[giu-vicente-FMArg2k3qOU-unsplash.jpg] A gap analysis is a structured tool used to evaluate the difference between the current state and the desired future stateof a process, system, or organization. It helps identify areas where performance, resources, or outcomes are falling short of goals or expectations, referred to as "gaps... lees meer