Convertible loan
Software to quickly and cheaply deploy e-health solutions
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 90 investors
This campaign ended

Market positioning

Our model is that of a software company, and as such we have three revenue streams:
During the build phase of the offer:
Solution configuration, invoiced in days worked for specific projects of sufficient magnitude. Santech also offers products for pre-packaged solutions that can be used to address smaller volumes of users.
In the deployment phase of the offer:
Licence invoicing (by annual subscription, based on the size of the target population).
Application and software maintenance (15-18% of the amount of the first two lines).

Market trends

The Santech market is that of e-health and in particular:

  • The prevention market
  • The market for the elderly at home
  • The chronic disease market

The prevention market

According to a joint study by Deloitte and the IFOP, prevention is important for 87% of French people. Moreover, 80% of French people are in favour of e-health and 40% would be willing to pay extra for access.

The market for the elderly at home

The cost of care for dependent persons is close to 30 billion euros annually. Population ageing has created the need to rethink of the management methods for dependent people and launch initiatives to adapt the regions to the ageing populations, allowing more home care. The segment targeted by Santech is that of the connected patient which was evaluated by PWC to be worth 20bn euros worldwide by 2020.

The chronic disease market

65 billion euros are being spent annually on long-term illnesses and this figure is steadily increasing. The main pathologies concerned are diabetes, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and cancer.Digital technology represents an opportunity to prevent disease, to help change behaviour and to support the sick or those at risk.End users benefit from a "free" use of the platform. Santech therefore addresses them indirectly, via those who finance their independence or health: our customers are the brokers, insurers, mutual societies, pharmaceutical companies, institutions such as CNAV or CNAM, departments or cities. As the evolution of the market is based on partnerships, the challenge is more in the positioning than in the offer. We believe that Santech has everything it needs to position itself sustainably in this market and to grow rapidly through a series of partnerships.


The main factors that fuel growth in the market are:

  • High penetration of smartphones and tablets
  • Strong demand from patients
  • Ageing of the population
  • Increase in chronic diseases
  • Technological innovation that forces major health actors to enter this market
  • A need to reduce health care costs by improving prevention
  • Interest in collecting data produced by mobile healthcare to increase care efficiency


Analysis of the ecosystem and potential competitive areas

The positioning of the e-health stakeholders is key.
Many stakeholders are present in the area of new health technologies and each has a specific model, not in our view necessarily compatible with the widespread deployment of e-health solutions in the medical or insurance worlds.
In this context, Santech provides the container, whereas most of the stakeholders only provide:

  • the content, applications
  • the ability to interpret data and to deduce recommendations and to carry out diagnoses

The Santech ecosystem is made up of:

1. Verticals: remote care solution or telemedicine operators. Some of these players have built into their business model the collection and resale of information on the medical consumption habits of their solution’s users. This model does not allow collaboration with insurers who attach great importance to the confidentiality of information relating to their customers. Some verticals could eventually outsource the development of their technology platforms to IT companies or to companies such as Santech. We have already been approached in this regard.

2. Medical Social Networks: These are offers generally operated directly on a B2C basis and aim to capture a population segmented according to their pathologies to make available to them popularized scientific content and community management tools. The issue of collecting and reselling personal information prevents them from collaborating with larger companies.

3. Equipment-Sensors: Sensor manufacturers offer a B2B model: data belongs to the operator of the device, not the device manufacturer. Deploying a pure software solution is easy and inexpensive. Deploying a device incorporating sensors is much more expensive, both in the deployment phase and in the cost of the device itself, and for the maintenance costs. That is why, although the integration of sensors into our devices is an available functionality, we have not yet been asked to integrate them.
The development of smartphones and open APIs for "health" applications giving access to all compatible sensors raise the prospect of hybrid models, in which the insurer funds the e-health portal, and the user integrates a sensor that it finances itself in whole or in part. Thus, e-health models will become participatory.

4. “Professional” software: The majority of software development companies cater to healthcare providers or funders (hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, third-party payers...) and offer to streamline the flow of information between professionals. These actors are numerous (Cegedim, Enovacom, Voluntis...). In a not yet mature market where no company has developed a sufficiently universal solution, software companies solicited by key accounts produce bespoke work. At this stage it is this type of actor with whom we come most into contact. They may recommend to their clients that they develop complete solutions, likely to compete directly with the Santech offer. The IT service companies in question are: Altran, Atos, Docapost, Cap Gemini, Sopra, E&Y, .... These are of course large groups with lots of presence and a very large potential for production and marketing.

The cost of these developments is far greater than the cost of acquiring a Santech licence. These IT consulting firms are therefore currently evaluating the Santech solution to integrate in to their tender responses for these major clients.

5. Others: In Canada a company develops generic portals offering similar functionality to the Santech solution, but addressing only one pathology at a time (cancer, diabetes, ...). These devices therefore do not have a 100% software approach, that is to say the means of scalability and modularity sought by industrial partners.
There are others of this type in the United States and Asia.