Investir présente de sérieux risques, y compris la perte totale ou partielle de capital. Veuillez lire le document Fiche d'informations clés sur l'investissement et les facteurs de risques et vous connecter avant d’investir.

Botaniets 5A

1 690 500 €
montant total du tour de table
  • Eligible à une réduction d’impôts

Sam T

Bonjour, comment allez-vous, je souhaite discuter avec le propriétaire de la campagne Campfire


Hello how are you doing today i stumble across your spreads invest project and i was really impressed by it, Can i chat with the organizer of this project?

Alexandre H Entrepreneur

Thank you for reaching out and for your kind words about the Spreads Invest project. I’m glad to hear that you found it interesting!
I’d be happy to connect you with the organizer of the project. Could you please provide me with a bit more detail about your interest and how you would like to collaborate? This will help ensure a productive conversation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Alexandre Hauben
Founder & CEO

Nassim B

First of all, congrats to the team for the work accomplished since the 2A capital raise ! This is really impressive given the hectic business years we've had.

I would be happy to reinvest, however I have first a couple of questions about numbers :
- In 2023, I see an OPEX of roughly 1.6M, while the revenue was 850k and the EBITDA was -260k. could you give a bit more details ? There seems to be quite a significant GAP here and I would love to understand the real cash burn of 2023.
- In the figure stating the OPEX, I would like to understand a bit better the 2024 YTD, when was this computed and printed ? Is the YTD in september or earlier this year ?

Thanks in advance, feel free to give me an email address from which we can communicate more directly.

Nassim B

Y a-t-il quelqu'un ?

Alexandre H Entrepreneur

Dear Nassim,

Thank you so much for your kind words and for recognizing the progress we've made since the 2A capital raise. It's been a challenging but rewarding journey, and we're thrilled to have your continued support and interest in reinvesting.

To address your questions:

--OPEX and Revenue for 2023: You’re absolutely right that the OPEX in 2023 was approximately €1.6M, while revenue stood at €850k and EBITDA at -€260k. The gap primarily results from a combination of investments we made in scaling operations and marketing, particularly in new markets like France, the US and UK, and also in our partnerships with prestigious brands like Gault & Millau and Michelin. These strategic partnerships, while increasing short-term costs, are designed to generate long-term value. The cash burn for 2023 is also influenced by these initiatives, but I can provide you with a more detailed breakdown to clarify the specifics.

--2024 YTD OPEX: The YTD figure was calculated as of the end of June 2024. It reflects the actual operating costs up until that point, and we’ve adjusted for any significant variations or one-off expenses. I’d be happy to share a detailed breakdown of the YTD performance so far and explain how we see the trajectory for the rest of the year, which is on budget.

Please feel free to reach me directly via Alex(at), and I would be happy to continue the conversation or arrange a meeting to dive deeper into any other questions you might have.

Thank you again for your trust and progressive commitment!

Best regards,
Alexandre Hauben
Founder, NietsCo


Investissements dans cette société bénéficient d’une réduction d’impôt de 25 %. Lire la suite…
Veuillez noter qu’un montant restant de 446 000 € est disponible pour l’avantage fiscal du Tax Shelter.

Fact sheet

Conseillé par un professionnel de la création d’entreprise
Valorisation est fixée par le co-investisseur ou l’incubateur
Co-investisseur ou incubateur seront membre ou observateur du conseil d’administration
À la clôture, un incubateur, accelerateur, ou studio aura des parts
À la clôture, les entrepreneurs ont apporté un minimum de 15 000 € en espèces en échange d'actions
Levée de 10 000 € lors d’une phase privée
À la clôture, un co-investisseur professionnel aura investi au moins 25 000 €
Financement antérieure en capital ou prêt convertible avec minimum 10 investisseurs
Entrepreneurs expérimentés
Au moins 2 entrepreneurs actifs
Valorisation fixée par un organisation spécialisé dans des valorisations de taille comparable
Valorisation est inférieure à 1 million € ou à 10x le chiffre d’affaires de l’année précédente


Investissements crowd 55 000 €
Promis par d’autres 1 635 500 €
Montant levé 1 690 500 €
Minimum round 25 000 €
Maximum round 3 000 000 €
Actions dans la société (tour total) 13,043 %
Valorisation pre-money 20 000 000 €
Valorisation post-money min. 20 025 000 €
Valorisation post-money max. 23 000 000 €